I want babies!!


11 Years
Sep 15, 2008
I was looking at all the pics everyone posted of the baby chicks they have and I am so jeaous! My hubby won't let me get an incubator - he says we don't need anymore chickens
I was wondering if anyone has luck just letting the hens do what comes natural? I collect the eggs each day, I was thinking this spring I could just let a few stay in the box to hatch on their own if I can get a hen to sit. I know if we had a couple of babies hatch hubby would fall in love with them and we'd keep them

Just wondering if anyone's had luck letting the hens sit and hatch the eggs?

Ok, may be a dumb question but I just don't know.

Each day when I go collect eggs none of the hens are sitting on them; If I leave them in the box will they decide to sit on them so they can hatch?

Well, what breed of chickens do you have? Not all chickens are broody some have been bred out of them. A good broody hen will go broody with or without eggs. Do you have some fake eggs? Maybe if you had some fake eggs you could put them in the nest and see what happens. Then once one of your hens become broody you could add some hatching eggs.
mmmmmm.......no talk of a Rooster.....can't forget him now if you want fertile eggs for hatching...if you don't have one and sneak one onto the farm your husband will immediately know about it....in the morning...I hope he has a sense of humor...
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Yup, get a rooster and you'll be in business! Most of our girls go broody about the time we have given up on them and are getting ready to put the eggs in the bator! Sometimes you have to be patient, but that being said, our hatch rate with our broodies is always way better than using the bator.
well, the only hen that really has a chance of going broody is the millie... leave her eggs in her nest everyday and after she has enough she might set, but if you dont have a rooster, than you wont have fertile eggs, and this is all a waste
Oh we have 2 roosters, one Brown Leg Horn and one sussex -
I'm new but I do know we need a roo around to have chicks

The millie is young and only laying now and then. We had a little black bantom that would have been perfect as she seem to always want to sit on everyone's eggs.

I think we'll have to go to the trade show they are having in the spring and see if we can fine a hen that's good at "sitting".

What's the best breed for that?

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