I want my 11 silkie chicks to join the flock in the coop at night

OK I'll try that tomorrow 👌
So the treats on the ladder worked as far as getting them all to either jump up on or walk up the ladder, I left treats in the coop too so they would all walk up right into the coop.
Then at night they still huddled in a pile on the grass in the run. That was about 8:20pm. Then aroumd 9pm when the other older chickens were ready to go to bed they were pacing around and around the run trying to find a way to get in and upto the coop to sleep, I had the gate locked so they couldn't get in, there was a bit of commotion and they scared the 11 chicks enough to make them all run up the ramp and go into the coop, so that was great. Them eventually when the 5 realised that they were locked out they went for the next best option, which was a big cardboard box that I cut a entry hole into and lined with wood shavings. They slept in that box for the night, which I moved into the shed and locked the shed door. That box now stays in the shed for ease, so all I have to do is open and close the shed door for them for the next 2 weeks, while the 11 get used to the coop/run as their new home/bed.
Then I plan to unlock the run door to let the 11 free range during the day with the other 5, and then hopefully, FINGERS CROSSED, they will all make their way up into the coop together at night! By then I will have got rid of any roosters that are in the 11, I think there is quite a few unfortunately :'( they are 6 weeks old now, and will be 8 weeks old by the time its time to have them all in the 1 coop together...
(I may not have understood the question...but here goes!)
From my experience, the only way to convince chickens they want to roost in a certain place is to make it the only sane option.
That, and actually putting them where I want them to sleep at night, every night. At least until they've gotten to like the idea, or until you've given up completely and just let the blasted rogue hens sleep in the garden shed. 😳🙄 Yes. I'll get them into the coop one of these days.... 😂
By all means, if anyone has a better idea for this please let me know! 😋

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