I want to add to my mini flock!


7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
I have three 10 month old black sex links. Sisters!
I want to add 2 more hens within the next few months. How do I go about doing that? Does breed matter?

I would add the add'l hens at night when they're all asleep.
The next day watch them for any over-aggression.
There might be some pecking-order stuff which is normal.
All should be fine within a few days to a week.

Make sure you are home for the first few days. We added a new hen (that was much bigger) to 5 existing small hens. The 5 girls really gave her a hard time. It took about 3 days for me to know that they weren't going to seriously injure the new hen.
Before you put them in make sure you spray them with a mite powder or somthing like that so you dont
spread anything to your existing birds.
I agree, put them in at night, and watch in the moring, i had a probalem one time when my new chickies couldnt get food becuase the
older ones wouldnt let them have any. so make your you keep an eye on them.
once they are past quarantine keep them in a separate cage inside the run for about a month. if you free range them then they can be let out all together but do not lock them in the same coop at night. When you do add them into the coop at night change the coop so it isn't the same look. this way your normal hens wont feel like someone is in the area. when i first added hens to my flock there was some fitting and i thought it would be ok.about 4 days in i went out to cheek on them and found two very scared hens in a corner with a lot of feathers missing. after closer look at the inside of the coop i found blood every were. i will never add hens straight into my flock ever again. if you want to add new chickens get some that are raised together this way they will have a friend and it wont be so stressful. if you add chicks do not add them until they are at least 12 weeks old and have seen each other since the chicks were brought home. an adult hen can kill a smaller bird with just 1 peck.

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