I want to find a docile rooster


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
I've only had two experiences with roosters, one was a tiny silkie, and the other was an Americana. The silkie was really nasty, he would attack my feet when ever I got close to his hen, and actually that's how he met his end, he pecked my dog on the face and my dog kinda nommed him right up. The Americana wasn't friendly, but he protected the flock well and he never attacked me.
I'm looking for a breed of chicken that has relatively docile roosters, I just want something that won't try to kill me. Any suggestions?
But then who will protect your girls? I keep reading that a friendly rooster equals a wimpy rooster.

I make sure I pick up our Production Red from time to time just to remind him who is boss. He hasn't bothered me but he smells fear when my wife is in the run.
Then again, I don't turn my back on him either.
Yeah that's a good point. I want him to protect them, I just don't want him to come for my feet when I try to change the water. I don't want to have to drop kick the poor guy XD
My Wyandotte Roos and my D'Uccle Roos are friendly but definately not wimpy. They will come over to get feed from me ad treats, but they do keep order in the flock. I'm not sure if the breed is known for friendliness, or if it's just because I handle them for about an hour a day.
We have had good luck with friendly roo's

We stick to large breed roos and we really like them. Just enough aggressive to protect the girls and do there jobs, but certianly dont chase you or others that come to feed treats. We have turned several into chicken n dumplings that have chased. I currently have 3 roos for my flock of 40 chickens, all three are decent. The previous 2 i had were really good but died protecting the flock doing there job.
Brahma all the way! Our brahma roo is fantastic, we have 2 and 3 year old girls and he has never shown any aggression towards them or me! He's a gentleman with the hens but looks the part aswell, no more cats have been in our garden since we have had him, with his shear size I think even mr fox would struggle!
Brahma all the way! Our brahma roo is fantastic, we have 2 and 3 year old girls and he has never shown any aggression towards them or me! He's a gentleman with the hens but looks the part aswell, no more cats have been in our garden since we have had him, with his shear size I think even mr fox would struggle!

Well that's a great idea! The Americana rooster I had got done in by a fox, but he went out before our girls met the same fate. Thank you for the suggestion, I think size would change a lot
Keep us posted on what U decide!I no the general rule is to never become 'friends' with a rooster,but its so hard not to with our boy! Good luck :)

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