I want to hatch my own meat bird. What rooster and hen to use?

I believe kfacres to have a great backyard meat bird. He has done so not by using hatchery birds but from getting a few truly nice birds from a breeder. What he is saying does make sense. Sometimes we don't see eye to eye and he can be abrasive but he is correct in this one.
That's fine, but I asked him I believe twice why he kept talking about hatcheries because I didn't see people saying they were buying their birds from a hatchery. I may have missed it, but when I asked why he wouldn't answer.

Edit: Of the questions I asked him that he did answer, he answered them all as if I was making a statement, not asking a question. Rather than answer the question with helpful answers, he basically said I had no idea what I was doing. I'm pretty sure the fact that I'm asking questions is an admission that I don't know what I'm doing yet. How can someone learn if you only tell them they are wrong and will fail? If you answer their honest questions with attacks? That just makes people dislike you and have no interest in learning from you. So the only conclusion I can come to is he doesn't want people to learn, and just wants to show off. *shrug*
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. What I want in my bird is:
A. lay eggs - not every day, just enough so that they can:
B. hatch their eggs and raise their young
C. Have enough meat that my dogs will eat it
Hi Jesirose,

Since you are primarily looking to feed your dogs, have you thought of getting a few silkies or cochins and a flock of good layers with a roo, and having the silkies or cochins hatch eggs from your flock of layers? If you keep a small flock of good mothers, then it is pretty easy to just put whatever fertile eggs are available under them.
Hi Jesirose,

Since you are primarily looking to feed your dogs, have you thought of getting a few silkies or cochins and a flock of good layers with a roo, and having the silkies or cochins hatch eggs from your flock of layers? If you keep a small flock of good mothers, then it is pretty easy to just put whatever fertile eggs are available under them.   

I hadn't because I don't like silkies but I can totally see the benefits there :)
I hadn't because I don't like silkies but I can totally see the benefits there

I am not crazy about silkies, but cochins are darn cute! There are some other breeds that are good mothers, too.

My hatchery Buff Orpington hatches a clutch every year, and is a fantastic mother. It is sooo much easier to have the hen raise the chicks than raising them in a brooder. If I could have a rooster where I live, I would never have to buy chicks again. I could just bring in hatching eggs to upgrade my flock, but not have to rely on outside sources to maintain my layers and fill my freezer. One day, one day...

Anyway, it is an interesting idea to throw in with the mix.

On other issues, I think there are people who have very high standards, and are not willing to bend from those standards. Then there are some of us who are just looking for chickens that fill our needs, and do not need perfection, just good enough.
I have read over your intent for breeding as a source of meat for your dogs several times and I must say it really rattled my inner emotions. I never imagined anyone raising chickens to feed their dogs a raw diet of home grown poultry. I'm guessing a bag of dog food is about the same as a bag of good medicated chicken feed? I know because I have both dogs and chickens and I buy plenty of both products. I found it offensive once you declaredyour intentions. I come from a family that raises pure bred and show quality Alaskan Malamutes and trust that nothing in their diet is raw meat other than table scraps. I was under the assumption from your original posting that you were trying to breed your own meat bird. You never identified your intentions for using chickens for dog food within this posting. I'm just not on the same page with you on this.
I have read over your intent for breeding as a source of meat for your dogs several times and I must say it really rattled my inner emotions. I never imagined anyone raising chickens to feed their dogs a raw diet of home grown poultry. I'm guessing a bag of dog food is about the same as a bag of good medicated chicken feed? I know because I have both dogs and chickens and I buy plenty of both products. I found it offensive once you declaredyour intentions. I come from a family that raises pure bred and show quality Alaskan Malamutes and trust that nothing in their diet is raw meat other than table scraps. I was under the assumption from your original posting that you were trying to breed your own meat bird. You never identified your intentions for using chickens for dog food within this posting. I'm just not on the same page with you on this.
What do you think is *IN* a bag of dog feed? You think it's offensive for me to humanely raise meat that I know had a good life, yet you think it's okay to buy store bought products that are a result of factory farming, where the animals are likely ground alive, the food is packed with useless corn, soy, that dogs don't need. (And by the way, good grain free dog food, that can't even compare to a raw diet, is about $60/50 lb)

Plenty of show breeders use a raw diet. It's the healthiest diet you can feed a dog, if you know what you're doing. (And we're not only doing chickens, that would be a bit unbalanced nutritionally.)

It's not for everyone, it's not even for most people, but it's pretty silly to be OFFENDED by someone taking responsibility for the fact that they own a carnivore, and trying to make sure they're not supporting factory farming processes. That is about the same as someone saying they're offended by you raising a meat bird for YOU to eat. How does the fact that I'm mostly going to feed my chickens to my dogs make it offensive? That's just silly.
Agreed. I feed our dog raw...have been for a year. If you look at what is allowed in pet food and people food it will flip you out. Euthanized animals from the pound, animals with every kind of chemical shot into it including what is used to euthnize it, past due meat from the supermarket including the styrophone (sp?) packaging...look up what is allowed in meat meal. Dead animals and floor sweepings from factory farms. My dog has been on raw and it is EQUAL or less in cost then good quality dog food. People think it is a pain but truthfully we moved to a rural area and it is easier to get meat for her and veggies then to keep running an hour away for dog food. She is in excellent health and the vet said he will never get rich on her. Once you get organized on the management bit it is even easier then feeding dog food.
And dogs eat the stuff alot of people would not care for but that are really nutritious. Dogs can eat any kind of raw bones...just do not give cooked bones unless they were cooked until they can crumble.

BTW, I am raising hatchery meat chickens for the humans. So far so good but the dog will be getting the stuff that we don't use. And some of the good stuff too. I will freeze meals for her in ziplocks...either enough for one meal, or enough for 5 days after defrosting. Why throw it out when it will do the dog good and eliminate waste. And for individual meals I don't even defrost it, I give it to her frozen outside and it gives her something to keep her entertained for a few minutes.
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Not saying anything you are planning on doing is wrong or trying to be offensive to you. On the other hand, I take pride in raising chickens for both table fare and eggs as well as showing them on occaision much like we do our dogs. Trust that I well know what is in a bag of dog food or chicken feed. You'll find that most humans eat some of the same products. I love corn and chicken! I do find it offensive within in myself if I had to butcher my chickens to feed my dogs. It would be the same as butchering my dogs to feed the chickens. Just my perspective of offensive. I love both my chickens and my dogs. Good luck with your project.
     Not saying anything you are planning on doing is wrong or trying to be offensive to you. On the other hand, I take pride in raising chickens for both table fare and eggs as well as showing them on occaision much like we do our dogs. Trust that I well know what is in a bag of dog food or chicken feed. You'll find that most humans eat some of the same products. I love corn and chicken! I do find it offensive within in myself if I had to butcher my chickens to feed my dogs. It would be the same as butchering my dogs to feed the chickens. Just my perspective of offensive. I love both my chickens and my dogs. Good luck with your project.

I love corn too, that doesn't mean it's healthy for my dogs. Or me for that matter.

I might find it offensive that most people don't consider where their food comes from. I don't have to tell them that when they say they're going to the grocery store. You can be offended, but you don't have to tell me about it.

If butchering chickens offends you I can't see how you can raise meat birds. You do in fact eat the birds you butcher do you not? Why does it matter who eats the bird once it's dead?

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