I want to hatch my own meat bird. What rooster and hen to use?

I'm looking into being able to raise my own meat birds as well. I've been told if you have a RIR with a Cornish X you will get a Red Ranger type chicken. I currently have 2 18 week old Cornish X that have just started laying. I have a Salmon Favorolle Roo, so we'll see what we get out of these. I have a couple eggs in the incubator now, along with some Dorking/Maran eggs I bought online. I'm not expecting to breed my own Cornish X, but I figure we will eventually be able to get something that works for us.
Leghorn??? You obviously need to do alot more research. Why on earth would you think a leghorn would make a good meat bird? Please read some threads and learn more about chickens.than your ideas may be a little more educated. Any chicken can be a meat bird, the trick is you just eat it. If you want a meatie chicken the a leghorn wouldn't even be considered. Do some research so your not just another dreamer, your a do'er.
I never said Leghorns would make a good meatbird, I want to cross a Dorking with a Leghorn. I do not want a large bird. Please do not jump to conclusions. I have leghorns right now and I have already tried one and it was great. Not much meat but enough for 1 person to go along with a veggies and rice. If leghorns are the size I want and Dorkings are the supposedly the best tasting bird then its the logical conclusion that I should atleast try it. If your goal is to talk to down to people then please avoid my posts.
Dorkings alone might be what you want. Sometimes what is listed isn't real anyway. My Buff Orps from a breeder started laying at 5 months and lay 6 a week. What is listed as the "normal" amount is less. Give them a shot first though, really. Just a suggestion. If you like the taste of the leghorns then by all means. But have some that aren't crossed too, in order to compare.

If you like.
I have Jake, my 35 lb Beagle X Boston Terrier. I swear there's a bird/hunting dog in there too. He's 6 years old this year & as a puppy lived in the city. Moved to the country when he was 2. We got Missy, the 20 lb Pug X (Chihuahua?) mutt as a puppy 2 years ago. I had my doubts about Missy, (my son's birthday present) but she proved herself worthy by chasing off a fox last year. I wouldn't have believed it, had I not seen it myself!
Dogs are my favorite...chickens are quickly catching up. My brother has a Beagle/Fox Terrier mix and she is adorable. Don't want to hijack this thread towards dogs but it is great the way the chickens figure out an alarm bark means head for cover.
Please share your opinion. I have read several post and no one has said what chicken to raise and hatch their own eggs for meat birds. Can Free Ranger chickens be kept to lay eggs to hatch?

Hi Jloftin60. I see from your posts that we have some of the same ideas. I like the idea of the sustainable lifestyle too. I also like the idea of a self-sustaining dual purpose flock. I just got back into chickens after years and years of not having a flock. I am working towards egg layers and a dp meat chicken. I am playing around with Delawares, Buckeyes, Australorps, and Speckled Sussex AND I also have some Dominique, White Leghorn and Anconas to play with. You mentioned the Leghorn, I believe that a little "flightiness" in layers and meat birds would be a good thing to help them be a little more predator wise. I am even considering adding some American Game to the mix. Like you, I don't want "show birds", frankenchickens and I don't even have to have the meatiest bird out there. I remember years ago when my mom, grandmother or an aunt would go out in the yard and catch a chicken, kill/dress it and fry it for dinner. I think it is a pretty wise thing to have food walking arould in your yard for when you want it. It's hard to believe but there could come a day when electricity/freezers are a thing of the past. If that day does come a dual purpose flock will be worth their weight in gold.

Check out the Delawares. I like what I have read about them and the young ones I have are pretty impressive (they came from Meyer Hatchery). They are supposed to be real good egg layers. I believe they are a cross between a Barred Rock and a New Hampshire Red. Already being a two-way cross I imagine that if you crossed with another meaty breed you would get a decent DP meat bird. I would think that an Australorp, Speckled Sussex, Buckeye or a Dark Cornish would be a good cross. I plan on trying Dark Cornish one day too.

You can buy baby chicks to feed pet snakes. Not sure but I think they all come frozen. It is kind of funny - snake people get mad at dog/cat people (and people) because they kill snakes, bunny people get mad at snake people because bunnies are fed to snakes, pet mouse and rat people get mad at snake people because they are fed to snakes, etc. It goes on and on! lol
I'm looking into being able to raise my own meat birds as well. I've been told if you have a RIR with a Cornish X you will get a Red Ranger type chicken. I currently have 2 18 week old Cornish X that have just started laying. I have a Salmon Favorolle Roo, so we'll see what we get out of these. I have a couple eggs in the incubator now, along with some Dorking/Maran eggs I bought online. I'm not expecting to breed my own Cornish X, but I figure we will eventually be able to get something that works for us.
Let us know how the Dorking/Maran turn out. I am considering doing the same thing next year.
Let us know how the Dorking/Maran turn out. I am considering doing the same thing next year.
I had only 2 (out of my batch of 12) hatch. They are a week old now, and doing very well. I'll update on how they grow. I also have some week old Red Rangers, and Cornish Cross so it will be interesting to compare.
I'm lost where is a girl that wanted to raise chickens to feed her dogs? That was good stuff! Takes all kinds I guess but if I was gonna tell folks I was raising chickens to feed my dogs it would of been on a dog forum and not a chicken forum.and to a swer any questions regarding hatchery birds and dogs...if you just want a dog then get one at the pet store ( usually puppy mill stock) if you just want a chicken get one from the feed store ( usually hatchery stock ) and yes I'm comparing puppy mills to chicken hatcheries. I can get a Rottweiler from a pet store and be happy with it, now will itcompare to a German Rotty with SQ bloodlines...not on your life! Some people want the best and some are content with mediocrecy...
So i say to raise your own meatbird start with good stock, raise your own dog food use hatchery stock

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