I want to raise some chickens and know absolutely nothing about it


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Hello. I'm thinking this weekend I am going to get my coop set up and order some chicks but other than that I have soooo many questions! For the last few days I've been online trying to do some research but if you don't know what you're doing its kind of hard to know what to search for. :)

Here are a few of my questions - if you can answer them for me I would greatly appreciate it! Like I said, I'm not sure what I'm talking about so hopefully you can understand my questions. ;0 Also, if there is any other info for a newbie - throw that in too!

I am going to buy a coop for the feed store. It looks like a little barn, has an enclosed area and a covered area. When I receive my chicks I would just put them in the coop with a light, feed and water? How long do they need to stay enclosed before I let them out into the yard? Would they even go in the coop to start? Would I need some other kind of enclosure to start?

I was looking at chicks. There are so many breeds. I am wanting to raise them for eggs mostly. What are brooders? Are they the same as hens? Do I have to have a rooster? Is so, does it matter if its not the same breed as my hens as I am wanting to raise a variety.

I guess I'll stop there for now.

Thanks in advance!
First off, take however many hens the coop says it can hold and cut that in half. The basic consensus on here is that each chicken needs 4sq. feet indoors (not including nesting box) and 10sq feet outdoors. Secondly, check out the Raising backyard chicken part of the forums. There are a lot of Sticky threads (in the blue bar). they should have all your answers.

I agree on the size of those cute little coops. Most of the ones I see would only really hold 2 hens. More than that and you get pecking and cannibalism---

go to the learning center tab at the top of this page, it will lead you through lots of information!
Hello. I'm thinking this weekend I am going to get my coop set up and order some chicks but other than that I have soooo many questions! For the last few days I've been online trying to do some research but if you don't know what you're doing its kind of hard to know what to search for. :)

Here are a few of my questions - if you can answer them for me I would greatly appreciate it! Like I said, I'm not sure what I'm talking about so hopefully you can understand my questions. ;0 Also, if there is any other info for a newbie - throw that in too!

I am going to buy a coop for the feed store. It looks like a little barn, has an enclosed area and a covered area. When I receive my chicks I would just put them in the coop with a light, feed and water? How long do they need to stay enclosed before I let them out into the yard? Would they even go in the coop to start? Would I need some other kind of enclosure to start?

I was looking at chicks. There are so many breeds. I am wanting to raise them for eggs mostly. What are brooders? Are they the same as hens? Do I have to have a rooster? Is so, does it matter if its not the same breed as my hens as I am wanting to raise a variety.

I guess I'll stop there for now.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Kelly........ your money would be better spent on a yard shed to covert to a coop. They will hold up better, and easier for you to go in and clean etc. Plus, you can get more birds! If you have no limit on how many birds you can have, always go bigger than you think you'll need.

You should also check with your local township ordinances to make sure you can even have any chickens and how many, coop placement, talk to neighbors etc..
Hi Kelly,
Welcome to BYC! I hope before you buy your chicks you will take a week or two and get some of your questions answered. That will save you money and aggravation and help you have the best experience you can when you start out with your new flock.

We are always learning on here, so you are in good company. The best advice is found in the learning center tab and the raising backyard chickens section of the forum where there are lots of stickies and also lots of threads to answer your specific questions in the separate sections.
Good luck and I know you will find the help you need on BYC.
Hi There!!! Just wanted to add that the folks here at BYC are great. They are very helpful and knowledgable, and always willing to give much needed advice at any hour. The first thing we say to anyone interested in getting chickens is get on BYC and do your homework.(LOL) Good luck when you take the plunge and have fun. Chickens are great.

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