I want to see some chicks!!


12 Years
May 31, 2009
Queens, NY
I am getting so bored with my eggs! I want them to hatch already!

They're due out on 6/15...... *long sigh*. And I haven't even candled them yet.

Anyone want to come be bored with me?
I would love to come be bored with you.
I set 22 eggs on the 4th and they are due on the 25. My last hatch didnt go so well. None hatched. I think you should go candle them. It makes it way less boring.
I would love to be bored with you too! I have 5 bantie hens setting on a total of 38 eggs! Three hatched on June 2nd, but I am waiting on the rest....I have no clue when they should hatch because everytime I candle them & get a good idea of what is going on, someone lays more eggs in the box!
I believe only about 18 have developed & hopefully, they should be hatching out soon! It's almost torture huh???? But, it is all worth it when you see those adorable chicks!!
I'm sooo with you. I've got 5 eggs under my broody silkie that are do the 19th. I tried candling, but can only see through one shell. So I have no idea what's going on with 4 of them. But the 5th is developing nicely.

21 days is a long wait for fuzzy butts!

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