I want to see your funky, cool, & cute Mutts!!


8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
polk county, NC
I dedicate this thread to the mutt birds. I want to see ya'lls interesting mutts and crosses. The weird, the funny, the cool and the cute. So bring on the RIR with a crest, or the silkie with big red wattles, or the colorful one that just have know clue about! :D let's let the mutts rule this post!!! :jumpy
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Here's my mutts!
I guessed these guys are a mix of btw japanese and cochin...

This guy was some mix of brahma and something else... or wyandotte..hmm

I guess new hampshire X cochin for this boy!

Another btw jap X cochin

The btw jap/cochin and hampshire/cochin's baby!
I just hatched some blue orp X light brahmas and cochin X jersey giants. I even have a jersey giant x bantam frizzle cochin mix and a silkie x blue orp. I hatched just for fun, and can't wait to see how they grow out.
I got some buff orp/olive egger mixes buff orp/ee mixes buff orpington/amberlink mixes but there chicks lol
Here is our new (just got her yesterday) possible cochin/japanese bantam cross Little Willa. I don't know how old she is, but she is laying. I think she is under 1 1/2 years old. She is kinda skiddish when you try to catch her, but when you do, all she wants to do is cuddle. She has also taken it upon herself to walk into the house from the backyard several times today and decided to hang out in the cat bed for quite awhile.

She almost has NO legs! So cute.
Here she is with the 2 other new girls Abigail the BO and Gretchen the GLw (pardon the molt).

Here is my roo Pharow.....He is a barnyard mix..most likely game bird and old english. He is a banty size. SO gorgeous, protective and friendly.....

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