I Wanted To Clarify Worm Chemicals And Probiotics That I Use With Miniature Horses - For Chickens


12 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Out West
I've read till my eyes are crossed and think I have all the worming for chickens straight, but I have a few questions.

We use Fenbendazole as a first time safe wormer for roundworms for our tiny miniature foals, so why can't the same product be used instead of Wazine 17 as a first time wormer for my chickens that I plan on first time worming about now?

Is Valbazen the only safe drug for chickens that will target tapeworms, or can Praziquintel (sp) be used safely also since most of the other livestock wormers seem to be okay?

I always have a lot of Probios paste in a tube around and wondered if I could use that instead of yogurt? I can't get my girls to eat bread, yogurt, cabbage, oatmeal, or lettuce! They run like I am trying to poison them!
I've read till my eyes are crossed and think I have all the worming for chickens straight, but I have a few questions.

We use Fenbendazole as a first time safe wormer for roundworms for our tiny miniature foals, so why can't the same product be used instead of Wazine 17 as a first time wormer for my chickens that I plan on first time worming about now?

Is Valbazen the only safe drug for chickens that will target tapeworms, or can Praziquintel (sp) be used safely also since most of the other livestock wormers seem to be okay?

I always have a lot of Probios paste in a tube around and wondered if I could use that instead of yogurt? I can't get my girls to eat bread, yogurt, cabbage, oatmeal, or lettuce! They run like I am trying to poison them
Chickens get many types of worms as you probably already know. If a chicken has a heavy wormload or is infested with worms of any type; using wormers such as wazine, fenbendazole or ivomec products...these wormers paralyze or kill most worms in the chickens system. Of course wazine only gets rid of large roundworms. The point is that these products when used as a first time wormer can cause toxic dead worm overload possibly causing the death of the chicken(s) IF there's an infestation AND/OR heavy wormload.
Valbazen on the otherhand, slowly kills worms over a period of several days, no need to worry about toxic dead worm overload.
If you already have an established worming schedule, then yes, it would be safe to use fenbendazole or ivomec products as a first time wormer because the chance of toxic dead worm overload would be low. To answer your question in this instance; you could use fenbendazole as a first wormer instead of wazine. Valbazen kills all types of worms that chickens can get including tapeworms and flukes, and yes, Zimectrin Gold containing ivermectin and praziquantel will kill tapeworms and can be used to treat chickens. Praziquantel is drontal/droncit used to kill tapeworms in cats and dogs, it works well in chickens, specifically against tapeworms.
Probios is better to use than yogurt as a probiotic. Yogurt has a tendency to pass through the chickens system quicker.
If you're worming chickens for the first time ever, it would be best to worm them with valbazen, then redose them again in ten days with valbazen. Then according to your worming schedule that you set up; rotate wormers thereafter.
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Okay. Now that I am more awake we use Pyrantel Poamate for the same reason, to avoid an overload of dead worms. I can't spell this morning either. I haven't had chickens on this property before and these layers are 8 months old and the banties are almost 4 months. They were let out to free range until they found my garden beds and the previous owners had a lot of dogs so I had better order some Valbazen. I bet if I mix mealworms with some of the Probios paste they would eat it too :) My girls are so spoiled!

Thank you!
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