I wanted to share this coop with you

I know you wewre spiling those silkies but had no idea how much lol it looks very nice I like all the windows.

actually I think it is worth a grand or abouts there, good luck
Bruce says to God, "You're just braggin' now."
Now THAT'S a chicken house. I thought I was doing good to get my paltry little 8 x 12 runs finished and prepare to start on the breeder coops. I'm 61 and just don't work as fast as I once did. I was beginning to wonder if I'd get this project done before the summer was over.
Beautiful job. You don't have any old
single animal loving friends lookin' to hitch up do ya?
aww they look great
I am so glad you are enjoying them

wait till you see the lav trio I have coming on Wed. I am so excited I could cry lol
If the coop is insulated and lined I would not be surprized that the materials alone exceed $800 and who would build something like that to sell for $200? I have seen sites that advertise I similar design uninsulated for $1800.

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