I was crazy before the chickens.


May 19, 2021
Hello John here. Proud husband and dad of two boys five glw, four buff orps, three buff Brahmas, two pekins and one indian runner. If that's not enough I wanted something different than what was sold locally so now I have 12 lavender orpington and 18 bielefelder eggs getting ready to hatch. Three months ago I had never raised a chicken now it's two in the morning and I'm pacing the floor on day twenty of incubation more fluffed up than any momma hen I've ever seen, joining a chicken group
Welcome to BYC John! You're learning all about chicken math! :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
Good luck with your hatch! :)
Chicken math? Is that when you never have enough chickens?
I’m new to chickens too. I got 2 EEs, 2 BOs and 2 BAs in march and already want more. 🤣 But wow you went all in didn’t you?
I told myself ten... To make sure the pullets were infact pullets, so tsc only had eight left on a Sunday when I woke up and decided I wanted some chickens. That's cool last day before new birds came in got em all for $.25 apiece with one duck my son somehow cond the lady into letting him have just one duck. All was fine for two weeks untill the chicks went raptor mode and decided bill( the pekin) who at that point was twice if not three times bigger than them was food. Time to separate only issue is he now had separation anxiety and cried for two days straight. Ok I'll just get him a duck friend now they won't sell me just one so I got the last four orps they had now can I get just one? Nope. Two more it is. I was super worried about shipped hatching eggs having horrible hatch rates. So I got what I figured I'd be happy with 25 percent hatching but thanks to the lord and all this great info on byc I think I'm going to have to many... But I think we all agree that's not possible .

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