I was impatient...moved hen during day... questions!


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 4, 2010
I moved my hen into the tractor today (no roost, just a 4x4x2 crate w/o a bottom), gave her fresh bedding (pine shavings...normally we just use grass), water, feed, and an overturned bin with a cutout as her nest. Our chickens have been going to bed around 6:30pm lately, getting dark here, so I figured moving her around 4:30pm wouldn't be a big deal. She stood fairly motionless all evening, pooped a big pile, ate, and then around 7:30pm laid down in front of the opening to her new nest. I became impatient so I moved her into the nest but she creeped back out and is now sleeping on the grass.

What's going on? How do I make it right? Should I just be patient?
The forecast is a low of 47 degrees overnight. I was wondering about how cold she will get.
I can see her pen from my front window and she seems to turn slightly every time I peek out. I wonder how well she will sleep.
It's amazing to me that as my sweet hen has come into her own mothering instincts, my mothering instincts have kicked up a notch. I'm fussing internally wanting to make sure she's comfy and cozy. I never thought I could care so strongly for a chicken!
the only thing I can think if it will help you rest better is to some how block her in the nest box then in morning let her out?? I dunno sorry
She will be fine where she is tonight. But I agree if you will sleep better put her in the nest and block the opening.
LOL CHICKEN LOVE IT IS GREAT!! I am addicted ! I have 17 babies 2 under a broody that are 3weeks old and the other 15 incubated that are any where from 2 weeks old to a week old I check on them countless times a day! Everytime I talk about them to my hubbie he rolls his eyes and GRINS and tells me I am bored! LOL but then later I catch him holding and petting a baby LOL !! the are catching!!
So the broody hen is up and walking around today and seems not so broody anymore. I put an egg in the nest hoping to encourage her. Nothing. Then she began squawking loudly and poking her beak through the chicken wire. Have I lost the broddy moment?

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