I was sold as a Cuckoo Maran.... am I?

ginormous chicken

9 Years
Jan 18, 2011
Elverta, California
So this chick was sold as a cuckoo maran. She is now a little over 3 weeks. She doesn't have the white dot of the cuckoos and at 3 weeks there is absolutely no mottling of grey and white. Is she still a Maran or is this a Australorp or something else? What do you all think. Please help, I have to decide if I am going to keep her!



This is her at 6 days


What do you all think?
I don't think so - not with those black legs. Also, if she didn't have a black dot on her head, she's probably not going to be cuckoo either (not that she looks like she's feathering out that way).
Here is a picture of my 3 1/2 week old cuckoo maran with a 2 1/2 delaware in front of her. Maybe she is one of the solid colored Marans?

No... I had a black sex link...it was pure black. But yeah..... not a cuckoo maran!!
Could she be a really crappy Black Copper with no fuzzy feet? I know some lines don't have fuzzy feet.
I am disappointed!!!

Maybe I should just wait... I am curious how this plays out. But still ...
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Kinda looks like my 4 week old Black Copper Marans chicks... minus the feather legs...


they are really in a 'scruffy' phase right now, but same little white on the breast, and otherwise black... black legs...

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