I was wondering if anyone know what kind of new chicken I got today.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
I got 4 little guys or girls. I have no clue what kind of chicken they are, can anyone help?


This one has blue legs how cute.

Thank you for any help
and I am so sorry if this is the wrong spot.
Have a great day!
#1 looks like a white cochin at this point. #2, not sure. #3 could be an EE, but also might be a black-breasted red Game.
Thank you all for getting back to me. I am so excited. I was to pick up Barred Rocks but they had sold them all. So I got some marked Batman. I was thinking it was a type. But looks like it was more the size of the chicken. oops. You live you learn.
So all 4 of my new brood (That is what the group is called right?) made it through the night. So one day closer to eggs. But thank you again for all your guesses. We will see who gets it right in a few weeks.
'Batman'? Think you probably mean 'bantam'
I would say the 2nd one is a RIR. The first is probably a cochin, although mine are all black or blue, so it looks a little different
As for the third, I really don't know. Hope you figure it out! though in my opinion, I think mixed breed anythings are more fun! It's always 'eggs'citing to see what you end up with!
LOL yeah my chicks are not part batman:(
But i almost feel out from the 'eggs'citing. That was just to cute.

Do any of you have a RIR? are they nice? I do not want my 1st chicken to kick my butt.
Thank you again for all your help. This is a whole new world. I have 2 weeks before they might be outside. I have to come up with a coop fast.

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