I Will Not Set Eggs! I Will Not Set Eggs!


10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
Central, N.C.
Well I get a knock on the door this morning, and it was the UPS man. After unloading 6 boxes and a little tinkering, this is what it was.


Now I'm in the middle of remodeling the big girls coop, in fact they are sleeping in their run with a tarp over it. I have 22 4 day old chicks that are in the brooder that I must build a coop/run for, and now this. I'm fighting the urge to set eggs until next spring. Help me!!!
You know you have to start it to make sure it works properly. Of course you should do a thorough test. Most manufacturers want to correct any problems within the first month. So you better get started.
LOL with those she can be up to 1000 chickens in 38 or 40 days... Not months.

I just have an antique redwood one, and about 36 MORE eggs on a shelf settling from shipping. All waiting for one more shelf... OMG

After that I am mostly done. Kind of, well, I should be. But the neighbor with the seramas will GIVE me eggs until Jan. for nothin... and ummm well ... they're awful cute.

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