I wish I were scooping chicken poo


11 Years
Feb 24, 2008
Carrollton, GA
Is that sick, or what? It's actually raining. We've been in a drought for the past 3-4 years (depends on who you ask), so I probably shouldn't complain. I've gotten used to being able to do any work on any day. As a result, I've managed to let my house go to pot. It's a wreck and now I have no excuse but to clean it. All I can think is, 'I wish I were cleaning a coop.'
My husband would say its a miracle. Something to keep me away from the chickens long enough to get something done around here! LOL

I'm the same way... we moved in, and I spent EVERY nice day outside doing outside chores and outside stuff. Other then the occasional laundry load, dishes and a swipe with the vaccum now and then.... my house has suffered, and become cluttered and in need of some TLC.

Take advantage! Though, its nice outside here, and we'll be out with the dog and chickens for the day. I need to finish laying the vinyl floor in the coop!!! LOL
I grok ya. It's a sickness, but many of us have it. I'd rather be home cleaning the coop and handing out treats than sitting here in these flourescent-lit confines.

Oh well, 3:00 will be here soon enough.

At least when you clean the coop (or clean a part of the house or do yard maintenance), you can stand back and admire the results and feel good about yourself. There's nothing like it!

When you're in an office, you're just squinting at pieces of paper passing across your desk and answering ringing pieces of machinery. Even if you have the satisfaction of "putting out fires" at your job, there's only the charred wreckage to look at when you're done.

Give me compostable chicken poo anytime.
totally agree, i'm at work writing reports that are due tomorrow (and taking breaks with BYC). I would much rather be scooping poop, putting out fresh shavings, chasing my chickens and forcing them to like me...
LOL, I hear ya, except I cleaned the coop this morning after feeding, sat and watched the chicks for about an hour, LOL, cooked a pot of field peas w/stewed tomatoes and ham from the freezer/garden, started some pork chops and vegetables in the crockpot, am online here
but really need to do some housework. It's supposed to rain here for the next few days, so I'll save the boring chores for then.

Guess I could start some laundry tho
Buff Hooligans wrote:
Even if you have the satisfaction of "putting out fires" at your job, there's only the charred wreckage to look at when you're done.

Yeah, and the home/coop cleaning will always be there. With this economy, you usually can't say that about a job with any certainty.

Which reminds me, I'd better get my butt in gear!

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I have been cleaning out ancient cow manure (20+ years old) from one of the rooms in the barn (also ancient 200yrs old) it is just dust and icky. There is a layer of about 4" deep over an 8x10 room. Have to wear a mask as not to breath any of the dust. I also have to paint over the peeling paint on the beams, which I hope has no lead. Would rather be cleaning my house!
Ummmm, let me rephrase my previous post. I LOVE answering the phone and typing drivel. I wish I could be in my office ALL day long!!!

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