i would like to add a new pet in a while

Rabbits are fairly easy to care for. In a nutshell, feed and water them once a day.
If they're outdoors, you'll have to put ice bottles in the cages in summertime and melt the ice in their water dishes in the winter.
Because mine are in hanging wire cages in the chicken coop, there's not much cleanup. I have kept them indoors, though, when they have bunnies. You have to clean out the drop pan every day or every other day, at the least.

But here's a tip: if you get rabbits, PLEASE get nice ones. I can't hold two of my rabbits and I'm not happy about it. Get a bunny from a 'friendly-guaranteed' breeder, or at least hold it before you buy it. Check its eyes. If it's scared, the whites will be showing. It will breathe faster and may even begin to 'whine'. Get one that is relaxed around humans and won't rip out of your hands at any moment.

Also, we have hermit crabs... but you said you don't like reptiles. Anyway, change the water every other day or so, change the saltwater every few days (we don't do it as much b/c the solution is expensive). Take away the food in the morning and replace it at night. In the summer, you should only have to monitor the humidity. In the winter you'll need a heat source and humidity. Clean out the tank every month, rinse and bake the sand.
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I would love any info that you have on Chinchillas. And I had rabbits and loved them. Just seeing what people suggest
Sorry, I didn't get back to you until now!

Chinchillas: well, they are very playful and curious creatures! They love doing acrobatic shows when you walk into the room and sometimes they scare themselves. They don't need much: food, water, a cage, and love!

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