Ice....for your viewing displeasure. Pic HEAVY.


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Well, since I am finally able to put my pics on the computer I decided to share a few. It amazes me how beautiful ice is....yet so deadly. I was without power for a week and two days...there are still people without. I think the total count on power poles that had to be replaced (in Arkansas alone) was 4,500. OMG that is just unbelievable. My husband's car was destroyed and we had no insurance on it....he is going to be in Turkey for 15 months and what can possibly happen with it just sitting in the drive (I can't drive a standard). Yeah....right. Anyway, here are a few pics of the mess.

A dried flower covered in ice.

My chickie house (thankfully not damaged)


My (thankfully intact) power line to my house

My poor hubby's car

My poor hubby

My mom's mulberry tree (split down the middle)

One of the downed poles (this one was across the road to my house for days)
Thank you. Yes, thankfully, all of my family and friends made it alright....unfortunately there were a few who did not, including a woman in her 90's who apparently froze to death in her apartment.
Yes glad you made it through that. Sorry to hear about your husbands car though. I think those pictures are amazing. I love the first 4 pictures.
Your driveway looks like a few of the roads I tried to drive down, rimshoes. I haven't dug out the chainsaw yet at my house.....trying to catch up on laundry still.
Thankfully, though, we aren't blocked in. There are some HUGE limbs I am going to have to deal with though.

Thanks, lilshadow. I kept trying to find things that I thought were pretty to help make it seem less awful.
It did actually help a little.

Oh, I know, jenspeeps.
I can't imagine (especially in an apartment) why SOMEONE didn't make sure that lady was alright.
so how did you keep warm? do you have a fire place or did you go somewhere and stay that had power?

i agree beautiful and powerful and aweful at the same time.

glad you all are ok and your chickie house was unscathed.

We stayed at my mother's house at night (but actually slept in our car the first night when we were stuck). She didn't have power (almost no one did) but has a gas cookstove. So 8 of us (my family of 5 and she has two little girls she is raising) stayed crammed in two little rooms in her house for over a week!!! And no one was killed!!! Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

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