Icelandic Chickens

Kathy, as an IT Administrator for my profession... I have to say that computer has some good specs!.... I would reccomend a bigger, wide screen monitor though, like a 23" or bigger.
but either way, Have fun with that beast!!
Kathy, as an IT Administrator for my profession... I have to say that computer has some good specs!.... I would reccomend a bigger, wide screen monitor though, like a 23" or bigger.
but either way, Have fun with that beast!!

Oh good! That is good to hear! I have a laptop with a 17" screen, and I was thinking I didn't want a monitor much larger than that. I thought it might be "too big," since I sit right in front of it. Shoot, maybe I should have went with the 23". I did think about it. Oh well, guess I can change it out later, if I don't like it.
Mary, Lukka needs a chastity belt.

So since my NYD hatch didnt give me as many icelandics as I wanted,.. And I get about 6-7 Icelandic eggs a day still, I am thinking about setting up the bator again.
I have 2 out of 4 empty brooder pens that I setup in my barn.. They need some chicks!
My brooder is a 6 foot tall metal cabinet laying on its back, It has 3 built in shelves, thus creating 4 seperate spaces about 20inches by 28inches and about 20inches deep
I put individual heat lamps in each section, and for the nights below 20degrees I turn on a electric heater to heat the insulated barn room to 50-55degrees.
So far its working good. I moved all the chicks out here when they were one week old and the nightly lows are around 15-25 degrees. No more stink in my house!.. wOOT!

Icelandic momma and her 9.

some Chicks from NYD Hatch - 14 of them mostly FBCM, a few EE and 4 Icelandics
Kathy, nice! Just imagine all the mean, spiteful, nasty things you can come up with on that computer! There's probably a library of rude animated GIFs to choose from already built in!Just not for me, of course.


Boston, nice recycling! I hope those metal grates have latches on them.
Great looking chicks.

Speaking of Lukka, when I went out to do animal chores in the cold this morning, the only two chickens in that yard were the Barnevelder babies. And they were fighting! Chasing each other all over the yard and then have face offs. It was hilarious. When I came back a half hour or so later, Lukka was standing by the gate. Her wing was stretched out to the side covering the biggest of the two babies from the cold. Well, they are getting to be big babies so its head and feet were all that I could see. She looked like a Mom at the bus stop with her coat pulled around her toddler to keep it warm. The look on Lukka's face was priceless, like she was saying "I can stand here like this all day if you need me." I wished I'd had my camera with me.

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