Icelandic Chickens

You guys really shouldn't be encouraging Kathy. You know how evil she can be.
Oh, and they all have some great ideas, too!

And you are not evil. I know, I came to your house as your were laying down for a nap, before you had to go to work. And you were as sweet as sugar!
Kathy, it is a portable petmate wire playpen. It folds down really small for storage. It is 3 ft high and two feet deep and 6 feet long. It almost covers the top of a twin bed. It gives them lots of running room. I put it on the bed because we recently had carpet laid over our tile and I didn't want to risk messing up the floor. I have a small tarp under it that also goes up the sides and back. I leave the front open for the to see out. They need to know when I leave the room so they can start screaming. My plan is to move them outside into a dog kennel during the day then just bring them back in to sleep at night. Hopefully soon I can get them out of the house for good.
Congrats Kathy! Just got caught up on the thread and you've made quite the addition since I was on yesterday! It's a good thing you've got 54-55 days before they arrive to get that new fence built!

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