Icelandic Chickens

Day 20 first Icelandic has hatched and another nearly out - - my Welsummer hen has
been sitting on 12 eggs - - can't wait to see what colors I get! Fingers crossed that I get at least 4-6 pullets!

That's a really cute picture. I hope you get lots of pullets.
I have a lot of lovely cockerels in my bunch too. I love the big white and red ones but my favorites have straight combs and I expect that will be a poor choice for our winters.
I love the size on this guy, but he's a bit of a bully.

I love the color on this guy, but he tends to carry his tail a bit on the wry side. I've had Iowa Blues do this when young and grow out of it though, so who knows.

Some group shots

Our new flock gaurdian Kaz
Folks, the BYC Staff has spent considerable time in discussing the issue of Icelandics being imported into the U.S. We have decided to disallow any & all conversation in this regard. This means, NO comments about who imported what, or when. NO comments about who has "legal" or "illegal" Icelandics. NO comments about USDA certification or anything else in regard to importing.

It's fine to ask questions in regard to importing VIA PM as it relates to buying or selling stock or eggs, recordkeeping for bloodline information, etc.; but it is NOT okay to threaten or otherwise attempt to intimidate other BYC members. We will not tolerate bullying.

Any questions, let any Staff member know.

Okay...carry on your thread about this wonderful & beautiful bird!

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