Icelandic Chickens

This is one of my roosters, and I'm trying to figure out what color he is. The picture doesn't represent the color of his head really well. It's not black, it's sort of a greyish mahogany brown. It's a really odd color, not something I've ever seen before (but that doesn't say much!). His tail is true black with green sheen as are his wing feathers. It's just his head that is an odd color. It's almost matte also. My other roos have shiny head feathers... but they are also crested. Can anyone tell me what color this is? I've looked online but am coming up empty handed. Thanks!

This is one of my roosters, and I'm trying to figure out what color he is. The picture doesn't represent the color of his head really well. It's not black, it's sort of a greyish mahogany brown. It's a really odd color, not something I've ever seen before (but that doesn't say much!). His tail is true black with green sheen as are his wing feathers. It's just his head that is an odd color. It's almost matte also. My other roos have shiny head feathers... but they are also crested. Can anyone tell me what color this is? I've looked online but am coming up empty handed. Thanks!
Google images of Old English Game Brassy Back
Icelandics have not been bred to a standard so their colors are usually a mix of the "recognized standard colors". I think Brassy Back is the closest "standard color" to his.
No, took the high ground instead, napping on the second floor - Tuesday was gorgeous and NO RAIN, & enough wind to blow the mosquitoes away.

Have you been getting much rain?
No, took the high ground instead, napping on the second floor - Tuesday was gorgeous and NO RAIN, & enough wind to blow the mosquitoes away.

Have you been getting much rain?
Yes........lots of rain and it is raining hard right now!
I have six hens with chicks and they are having to spend too much time in the coop. They are all Icelandics and have eight Icelandic chicks and six New Hampshire chicks between them......lots of frantic peeping when mommas are scuffling with each other for space and making the rest of the flock make room for the chicks. Yesterday was beautiful and everyone was out and about finding all kinds of creepy crawlies that are thriving due to the heat and moisture. I need to get some pictures of them.....oh, and Heppni is on the nest and due in about 10 days
This her second round this year. She raised the Easter Hatchalong chicks.....need pics of them too.....five cockerels, one pullet.......she looks like her grandma, Forsæla. Maybe a chance for pics this weekend.
Google images of Old English Game Brassy Back
Icelandics have not been bred to a standard so their colors are usually a mix of the "recognized standard colors". I think Brassy Back is the closest "standard color" to his.
That is a color I hadn't heard of and yes, that does look close - thanks! In looking at that color, my "blue" rooster is identical to the blue version of this color that I saw. Thanks so much for the lead! :)
Pretty roo, Kaldakur!!! Wow!

Congrats on all the broodies, Mary!!!

Question for the group at large- any good ideas on broody management? I have Harpa with her 10 in my coop (have to make a broody coop at some point...) and I was worried the other birds would hurt the babies so I put up a little PVC/wire panel that I made and then covered the top and end with netting. I just left it loose so I can access them for whatever and I can clamp it all up to let them out. I did that, but when I went in to check in them, Harpa had gone outside with only 9 of the babies. One was just hanging out peeping. It was getting ready to rain (again!!!), and I found Harpa outside sitting with babies nestled under her wings under a bush. I was like, "Oh, girl!! You are as bad as a guinea mama!" I crept up to her, picked her up, which dislodged babies and put everyone back inside. She was NOT happy with me. So far I haven't let them out again. She just digs in the litter of her area and you can tell she wants out but I don't trust her yet. Advice?
Ok, experienced chicken keepers, have a hard situation here and need experienced advice. A baby from the broody was looking fluffed and quiet when I was in the coop. Picked it up and it was cool and kind of limp, so I brought it inside and tried vitamins and egg yolk. It had a bit if a poopy butt, so I cleaned it up. It still died.
I went out this morning to find another with similar issues. Brought it in with two of the smaller chicks for company and it has perked back up. What do I do now about bad mama chicken? I guess I gave her too many eggs... I'm about to play chicken DCFS officer but I don't know if it's premature. I let the mama and babies come out of their enclosure today for a bit. She went outside several times without them, but came back in. I went out to check on them just now and one of the chicks was tangled in mesh in the coop trying to get to her and she was outside again and the rest were just kind of hanging out in the coop alone. She acts kind of concerned about them, but not that much. Should I just take them all in, or leave a couple with her to raise but bring in the rest, or risk the remaining 6 with her???? I don't have broody experience so I don't know what I should do now. My inclination is to scoop them all up, but that could be my control issues showing
. Ggrrrr!!! My Australorp mama was great!!! Her babies are weaned and I have never seen such mature 6 week old chickens; it's amazing. Not so much with this Icelandic mama... Her inexperience is showing, I'm afraid.
Please help!!! I have them locked back up in their broody run area, and mama is not happy. She digs huge holes, and doesn't watch for the chicks. I'm afraid if I leave her in there one will be hurt. Am I being too sensitive or do you think I should brood them inside?
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Ten may have been too many for an inexperienced hen. I would leave them with her. Scramble a couple of eggs and fed them. Watch to see if they are all eating. Is she digging and throwing bedding into the water and food? Do you have a place to put her outside with the chicks during the day that is safe?

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