Icelandic Chickens

Ragnar, I love it. I suspect that is a good Viking name. Only thing that would make it better would be a last name like Ragnar One-eye. I saw a really good BBC series about the Viking conquest of England called "The Last King". If you like historical fiction, I would recommend it.

As for NAF, I'm easily influenced by those cartoon characters. As you can see, not only am I not good with computers, I don't take good pictures either. There was another one that I refuse to post. You can see way too much of me in it!
Great job on the pictures, everyone!!

Here are a couple I took after getting some mowing done.
Heppni and her five are still sleeping in her nest box at night. The dark cockerel is up front...again

Gula with one of her buff orp chicks peeping out

Here is one of Jóka's cockerels...note the size of the wattles and comb color at 4 weeks..

Compare the above to the below pullet from Heppni's group.
Morning everyone,

I can not get over how much they seem to grow, so fast from these photos I am seeing. Plus we are way excited to see, to some extent, what it is we have. I too enjoy the pictures, so thank you. I hope this thread becomes my morning smile maker. We are in typical April weather here, and as such we are working on those May flowers. So I am working under cover for the most part and enjoying the slower days this brings. When I change out the paper towels in the brooder this morning, I will take some photos to share and show off my growing brood. I could not be more proud… the feeling these little balls of joy bring is chest filling.]

Looking for an exciting and fun filled days keeping an eye on the little ones.


Brooder is cleaned, I always joke about being able to raise two pigs, off of the feed wasted in raising a batch.

Here are some views of today, they are getting to the point where the paper towels don't stay clean long. We are good with that. I have some with what looks like full wing feathers, it is kind of cool to see the patterns and colors.

Things are looking good with this batch, no pastie butt for several days now. But we check anyway, just in case.

Best to all and your Viking chickens,

Evening NAF,

I took out the pedestrian chick roost, since it is not up to the DW's standards. And they had zero interest in it. They bound through the holes and chase each other, and then perch on them to rest. I am starting to think of this build as a terrarium, for chickens. So bleached driftwood and the like are a step up in our game plan. The way it sticks our over the shelf it is resting on and being at about kitchen bar height, it has become a hit with our family and the visitors Special has over. Our chicks are sprouting tail feathers the past few days. Doe anyone know, or have an idea what the various colors will grow into?

We just gauze at them in constant wonder, and appreciation of their bold moves and the quickness of their step. They are tough to catch and harder to hold, we love it.

Best to all and your Viking Hens,


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