Icelandic Chickens

Now I have a name

Did I say how glad I was to find you guys?
Yeah, he does! Except Sam is FAT! We actually have him down some from where he was
My daughter was feeding him cracked corn last winter (thought the poor baby was starving!). I couldn't figure out how he was gaining so much weight then Twila confessed. LOL
Well, I am surprised. The one I thought was female, the smaller one, is a male. It appears the larger one is the female. He is very small, and FAST ! Most pictures were just blurs. I finally caged them, to get a couple pictures!








ETA: Maybe these are a little better ...



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Wow, Kathy you have a pair. The dark one is getting bronze feathers. That is what most of my dark ones have done. It looks like little crests are starting to form too. Almost all my two month olds have crests now and a couple of my month olds do too. They are really pretty. Those little combs and wattles sneak up on you. Even in my baby pen I am starting to red red combs on my month olds. There was a rooster fight in the baby pen just now. Next thing you know they'll be trying to date Oprah too!
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Hey Warden, I sent you a pm, did you get it?

kathyinmo, looks like your little guy will have mottling from the looks of the wing feather!
Well my Lukka is broody again. She just kicked her last baby to the curb three weeks ago! She laid 18 eggs that I shipped out and now she is sitting again! Doesn't she realize she has to represent for the whole group of hens until the little ones get to point of lay? It is hard to get mad at her cuz she's so pretty! I am going to start the two eggs I have in the incubator and give them to her later in case she changes her mind. I have learned a valuable lesson from this girl. Not only should you not count your chickens before they hatch, you shouldn't count your eggs before they are laid!

Luka has an excessive amount of maternal hormones!
She must just love being a mama (or sitting on eggs!). I accidentally broke a broody a while back. After she insisted on sitting for 3 days, I decided to move her out of her nest. I took eggs and her to a secure little coop (rabbit hutch style). She would have nothing to do with that! I left her there 2 days, thinking she would settle in. Nope, she was done!

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