Icelandic Chickens

There really is a North Pole, Alaska?! ! !

Yeah, i am so glad i got them!

I cant wait until they get their adult feathering in...I am so curious what colors i have. Also two of them have feathered legs, so i am also curious what that will end up looking like.
Mary, was the one chick from the replacement eggs? If so, Yikes, you are having bad luck. Two people just hatched 6 out of 7, and 5 out of 7.

Yes, I'm afraid I'm very from the replacement eggs....eggtopsy on the other three showed only 1 of the 3 had a chick develop and it quit around day 16 or 17 maybe. The one that hatched is beautiful. The rest of my hatchalong is averaging about the same percentage.....

I've got to work this morning but will be hoping for lots of Icelandics under the broodies when I get home this afternoon!!

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