ID help on my first chicks please


In the Brooder
May 26, 2020
Hello! Newbie member and new chick mama here. We got these 5 beauties about a week ago from a friend with a large flock. They are "barnyard mixes" and I'm not sure even about age. If any of you experienced folks have an opinion on age, gender (too early to tell I'm sure), and especially possible breed mixes, I would love to find out more about my new babies! A few specifics about a couple of them.
#2: this is the biggest of the group but may very well be a different age. This one is also growing little white feathers on its legs/feet.
#4: smaller than the rest, seems to be younger. Very sweet. 20200526_175031.jpg 20200526_174904.jpg 20200526_175131.jpg 20200526_175105.jpg 20200526_175305.jpg 20200526_175224.jpg 20200526_175420.jpg 20200526_174351.jpg 20200526_174835.jpg
#5: bravest and most curious of the group. First to check out anything new. Number 2 and 5 seem to get in staredowns and fly up at each other on occasion.
Thanks for any opinions!
We got from a family friend with a large mixed flock. But I know she has EEs, Brahmas, various Orpingtons, Barred Rock, etc. That's all I can remember right now.

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