I'd like 10 min alone with the people who did this....

Hey Jody or anyone in PA!!! Contact the state and see where these birds are going.
I'd love to take a few. Can you see them as old hens telling their grandchicks the
story "When we were kids so big mean humans threw us in a big coop with long
dark tunnels..."

Seriously though, I'd like to know what ends up happening to them.
Silly, yes. Stupid, most certainly.

BUT, I can just see the chickens running through the halls, gorging themselves on feed and squawking, "WOO HOO, road trip! Here's what we think of Ag Science - PLOP!"
I thought it was funny. Not for the poor person cleaning up the mess though. At least who ever did it had the sense to feed them and from the looks of the chickens it's probably the most freedom they ever had.

At my High School in Australia we always had a prank day on the Seniors final day. It was tradition for Seniors to decorate the school the night before. My senior year we padlocked the gates, put a for sale sign at the entrance, whitewashed EVERY window in the school, put yabbies ( crawdads ) in the sinks of the boys and girls bathrooms.... not a few of them HUNDREDS! TP'd the outside gardens, trees, and anything else we could throw a roll over.

All in all a fun time with a lot of mess to clean up. Even good kids need to do something crazy once in a while.
Bomb threats used to be called in regularly at my high school; until they changed school policy. Initially they let everyone go home if a threat was called in; later everyone had to assemble in the gym. Going to the gym meant no more bomb threats......wouldn't work today, the kids would end up in jail.

It's funny, but if the kids are caught they should have to pay for cleanup.
I tend to agree...no harm done to the chickens just some clean up required. Having served as a Substitute teacher in our high school I can tell you that they are very hard on the kids. I know it's the day and age etc. But when a kid can't even walk down the hall without being yelled at(happened to my son) some of them will rebel. And it will be a whole lot worse than some chicken prank. We are squelching kids now adays due to the bad apples out there. We do still have decent kids in the world...I know my boys are making it just fine. But we have instilled in them from day one... "How you act away from this family is a reflection of this family. "
Still got to wonder how in the world they pulled off such an elaborate prank. I can see the humor in it, but if it had been my boys and my chickens, I'd probably be singing a different tune.
You guys are so right. I grew up in the 60's, can't imagine how the kids get through adolesence anymore without a criminal record. It really seems like everyone wants such a perfect world, that ain't reality folks. We are doing the same thing on every level of society. I really don't think George Orwell was off by more than fourty years. Thats exactly where we are heading.
I looked at that video again and I tend to believe those where battery chickens. A chicken does not look that bad even if it was handeled ruffly.Boy I'll bet they were happy running the halls, they finally had some room. Looking at it that way the kids were more humane to the chickens than their owner.
So right Aussie "Even good kids need to do something crazy once in a while"

As long as the chickens get rehomed, and they didn't steal the chickens I say


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