I'd like 10 min alone with the people who did this....

You're cool LCRT.
I really dont see what was so bad about it, the kids left food and water, they did it in the night so there wasnt that much stress, and the hens werent that harmed, they were laying. Last year some kids set 15 cornish cross chickens and about 30 mice loose in the school. One of the meat birds died over the weekend, there was no food or water, and the birds were already about 8 lbs. Being the only chicken kid in the school, the chickens were given to me, they were then butchered because they were too fat to do anything else with.
Did anyone notice in the video those birds were not RIR's? They looked more
like Red Sex Links or production reds.

I tell you that it is embarrassing that on one of if not the most known chicken site on the Internet that is not until page 5 on this post that someone points out a very important chicken fact.

I agree with you whole heartily Mr. Purple, if those are RIR , they are some of the worst looking birds I have every seen. Red Sexlinks are what they are, IMHO.

As far as the prank goes.
1. the kids were not cruel they left feed, so they were obviously concerned about the birds welfare.

2. I can remember how my brain worked at that age, and things I did, so the "cast the first stone thing really applies in my case.

If it were me , when they were caught, punishment , they would be given a choice of community service, which would be cleaning up some of the worst things I could think of , or facing criminal charges. We are making criminals of too many young people, who's hormones just don't have their brain firing right.​
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The amazing thing is that no one has come forward and claimed the chickens. Someone would have to notice 50 chickens had gone missing....
Did anyone notice in the video those birds were not RIR's? They looked more
like Red Sex Links or production reds.

I tell you that it is embarrassing that on one of if not the most known chicken site on the Internet that is not until page 5 on this post that someone points out a very important chicken fact.

Is it really THAT embarassing?
Ah, so the birds in the pic were really the birds found! I often don't bother looking at the acompaning pics of stuff when its online, as they could have put any chicken pic up because to them, a chicken is a chicken. The ones in the pic aren't RIR's for sure.
There was a prank at my high school like this, but with fewer chickens. We have 6 halls so the seniors took 5 chickens and numbered them 1-6, but left out number 5. They were looking for the number 5 chicken all day!

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