I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

She doesn't just have the twelve, she has 18!! I put them under her just to see how many I would need to take out, and she did the funniest thing. She carefully tucked them under her, and then, I don't even know how to describe it, but she kinda shuddered and puffed up? She looked like she was a Pokemon that was leveling up or something. Lol. I swear she doubled in size. And then she kinda shook a little and deflated, and when she deflated not a single egg was poking out. It was so funny.

I don't have an incubator, and she's a first timer. Then again, I'm a first timer too! I guess I figured if she didn't continue to cover them well, then I could just take some out. Who knows, one of my cochins seems interested too and might start to brood as well, and then I could give her some to try. I really just don't know what I'm doing so I'm improvising. Ha! Just wingin it!

That is so exiting! So many babies

My Brody does the same thing. She moves them back under her with her beak and puffs up really big. They are amazing animals. She is my only Brody in 1.5 years out of 23 ladies. I figured I would have more.
I've never heard about dangers with pullet eggs. What happens if you use them?

I've been reading about Pullet eggs and it's totally fine. I had no clue they could be fertile. I added 6 to my incubator and candles them
today for the first time. Learn something new everyday!
Jmez, j know exactly what you mean! I have six broodies sharing a pen right now and they look like pancakes, lol! Every time they get up to drink then lay back down they do that funny shiver thing and seem to ooze over the eggs!
And tiff, my Silkie is truly an awesome mama! She's hatched a bunch of eggs and i always team her up with new broodies cause I know if an egg peaks out she'll take care of it. She'll adopt and chicks I give her. She recently raised a clutch whose mama abandoned them, and cared for a chick who's mama attacked her. The chick sadly didn't make it, but Jean took the best possible care of her after that. She sits with anyone who's hurt rather they're a chick adult hen or rooster. Her first chick, a rooster, just turned two and still crawls under her to sleep. He also has helped hatch eggs. She is a paint Silkie and I've kept every one of her accrual babies. All have grown up to be great mamas/daddies too, but none have beat Jean. She is three years old, and currently setting on about a 16 eggs with a new mama on 8 more. Poor new mama is a rescues frazzle and has a lot of trouble covering the eggs but Jean makes sure they're taken care of.
Sorry for any typing mistakes I didn't read back over it and auto correct does some strange things sometimes, lol!
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Oh and about pullet eggs. My Silkie, Jean, (yep, super mom) was sitting on eggs two months before she started laying. She adopted them from her pullet sister and they both hatched. Two little roosters, unfortunately. We kept one, but the other went to a friends house. I've never had any problem with pullet eggs or pullet mamas :)
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I have some white leghorn and red sex link eggs in the incubator hopefully hatching August 31, this is my first time and I'm not sure which roo is the father (maybe a combination) bantam cochin or EE. I'm really looking for feathered feet from the bantam cochin as he was one of my favs but had to be rehomed due to being noisy and we are within city limits. My standard EE roo never crows so for now he's sticking around
That poor baby, Madam ;( My worst fear is a momma attacking her baby;( When my newest one hatched, I was out there every hour to make sure she was a good momma. I just hope she doesn't stop sitting on this lady egg. Her baby will be a week old soon.

Jenna - I had to rehome our last large Roo last week. He started tearing pieces of comb out and my ladies were bleeding. I can't have that. Thank god for Veryrcin.

These chicks jumped into my car at the feed store yesterday, okay maybe I picked them, ever since I started researching chickens I always wanted buff orps and golden laced wyandottes, I settled for 2 buff orps and 2 silved laced wyandottes yesterday!

Candling an egg day 7, I'm using a flashlight and this was in daylight so maybe not the best picture.

The rooster in the front of this pic is Glen, he's the one I had to re-home. The one closest to the coop is Myles, who is surprisingly quiet and is earning his keep! My bantam hens always roost next to him which I think is adorable.

These are my hens, so the chicks are from either white leghorns or red sex links.

Bonus picture of my gingers
Don't you hate that?? They jump right in and you can't say no. Our feed stores stop selling chicks in the Spring. You're so lucky! My Buffs are my best ladies! They are so sweet and gentle. Good picks! My SLW is also a sweetheart. She's a little displaced right now, since I got rid of our Roo. They were buddies.

There's def an embroyo in there! Congrats!

Your Gingers are beautiful. Is your daughter 3? Mine just turned 3 on 8/8. Don't you love RIR's??

My Banty Roo is the only one in keeping. He thinks he's the KING around here now! Lol

What do you think of your Leghorns?? Mine are my only breed that I won't get again. My husband wanted White eggs, but after having 3 leghorns, it's not worth it. They are crazy.
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Where is everyone from? I'm from CA, but have been in Indiana for 4 years now, so I have to have cold and hot hardy birds.

We have Call Ducks, RIR, Buffs, Black Sex Links, Old English Banty's, White Leghorns (never again) and Barred Rocks.

I'm in Southern NY. So cold winters here too. I'm hatching my first call ducks this spring! Did you hatch yours?

New photo of mommy and baby;)

just too precious!

She doesn't just have the twelve, she has 18!! I put them under her just to see how many I would need to take out, and she did the funniest thing. She carefully tucked them under her, and then, I don't even know how to describe it, but she kinda shuddered and puffed up? She looked like she was a Pokemon that was leveling up or something. Lol. I swear she doubled in size. And then she kinda shook a little and deflated, and when she deflated not a single egg was poking out. It was so funny.

I don't have an incubator, and she's a first timer. Then again, I'm a first timer too! I guess I figured if she didn't continue to cover them well, then I could just take some out. Who knows, one of my cochins seems interested too and might start to brood as well, and then I could give her some to try. I really just don't know what I'm doing so I'm improvising. Ha! Just wingin it!

My kids are obsessed with everything Pokemon, so this post had me cracking up!! I could envision exactly what you were saying! Good luck to her and all those eggs!

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