
She did not have the chicks vaccinated. It cost another $2 each. 
In most breeds the roosters comb is definitely red. At least redder than the females. You might look up photos of your breed to see the differences. 

Wow! $2 is a lot for the vaccination--my chicks that I get from McMurray get vaccinated for 17cents each for Marek's and another 17cents for a side note here, i have been very happy with McMurray, the quality of the birds has really surprised me. The Polish have the biggest crests, really fluffy and round and dense, much bigger than the top breeders on here that I have gotten others from, and really good dispositions..and they are sexed female. After going through 12 chicks last year to get 1 white crested black, they either ended up males or I ordered the sexed female from McMurray, 8 of them...and they were all female and proper color, with really pretty crests.

On the gender question, if you can post pics we would love to help you guess! Each breed is different, but between all the people on here that have raised chicks that turned out to be boys, I bet we can figure it out :)
Got to go see pawtraitart last night, and picked up some real cuties :) Thanks for the tour Michelle, I always love seeing what you have going on over there! My Golden Cuckoo is already out with the big girls and getting along great. The littles are in the garage for a day or two adjusting before I try to move them out. They are snuggled up together this morning, best buds already :)
It is encouraging to hear that McMurray has nice chicks. I ordered from them and then I keep reading here about the lousy quality of chicks from there. I was getting quite discouraged.
Omg. I just want to cry when I read this...I've had some of these girls for 5 years and they all have names and unique personalites...they arent just chickens, each one is my pet. I so hope it's not mareks, but I really think it is....One of the ladies on here is doing some research for me because she thinks it might be something else. I sooo hope she's right!

Hi Rita, I sure hope it isn't Marek's, and I'm not saying it isn't possible that it is, but from what I have read, Marek's usually doesn't occur in chickens over a year. Again that is just what I have read, I am not expert. And your birds that have died or is having problems are much older then a year aren't they?
Did you use interior or exterior paint?
I think it was exterior b/c we knew we would be spraying it off with the hose when doing deep cleaning...

So sorry to hear about your birds, mrpeepsmama, the illnesses that chickens can get is certainly frightening...I know there are only certain people I trust getting grown birds from now, also, b/c of the risk.
It is encouraging to hear that McMurray has nice chicks. I ordered from them and then I keep reading here about the lousy quality of chicks from there. I was getting quite discouraged. 

I have had really good luck so far...and a few other people on the Utah thread as well. I got NN, BR, GSL, Houdans, Polish, and they were all great. The Houdans are a little fragile, but I think that goes with the overall breed, but they are really beautiful big well colored and proportioned chicks. Very vigorous and healthy, other than a couple Houdans getting off to a slow start. So far so good. Also my shipment of 30 arrived in great condition, the only one I lost was the mystery chick, which was a SL Polish. I just put in one more order of NN and EE, so hopefully the EE are nice too. My friend said her EE from McMurray lay huge eggs and are great layers in comparison to her feed store EE's...she got an assortment of 12 last year and was happy with every single one. I like them alot so far. I have had issues with both Meyer and Ideal--chick quality and customer service both--more with Meyer, but McMurray has been great so far ;) If anyone is wanting chicks from McMurray I would be glad to share pics of the breeds I have gotten.
I think it was exterior b/c we knew we would be spraying it off with the hose when doing deep cleaning... 

So sorry to hear about your birds, mrpeepsmama, the illnesses that chickens can get is certainly frightening...I know there are only certain people I trust getting grown birds from now, also, b/c of the risk. 

I saw your boy Henry last night, he is soooooo pretty! Very jealous, I would love to have a pretty roo like him :D
I have had really good luck so far...and a few other people on the Utah thread as well. I got NN, BR, GSL, Houdans, Polish, and they were all great. The Houdans are a little fragile, but I think that goes with the overall breed, but they are really beautiful big well colored and proportioned chicks. Very vigorous and healthy, other than a couple Houdans getting off to a slow start. So far so good. Also my shipment of 30 arrived in great condition, the only one I lost was the mystery chick, which was a SL Polish. I just put in one more order of NN and EE, so hopefully the EE are nice too. My friend said her EE from McMurray lay huge eggs and are great layers in comparison to her feed store EE's...she got an assortment of 12 last year and was happy with every single one. I like them alot so far. I have had issues with both Meyer and Ideal--chick quality and customer service both--more with Meyer, but McMurray has been great so far
If anyone is wanting chicks from McMurray I would be glad to share pics of the breeds I have gotten.
Yes please photos!! :D I ordered Red and Black Star, Lt. Burmas, Blue and White Cochins. I am thinking of adding in Partriage Cochin Rooster but I already ordered White Cochin Rooster.
Yes please photos!! :D I ordered Red and Black Star, Lt. Burmas, Blue and White Cochins. I am thinking of adding in Partriage Cochin Rooster but I already ordered White Cochin Rooster.   

here are a couple that I already had taken, will get some of the others...



White "snowball" Polish, great beards and muffs on these



WCB Polish

Kind of hard to see the Polish through the wire, i will get a good "photoshoot" of them when I get off work and post some better ones, they really are nice though, very pleasantly surprised.
I will get some of the NN, BR and GSL (they are actually called Red Star, I keep calling them GSL's out of habit :) ) the GSL are a little wild, but nice big birds.
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