
Thanks! Oh, and I thought of another project for you........because you have way too much time on your hands. Chocolate mottled/jubilee orps!
Those would look awesome, I say do it
, not that you need anything else to do lol.
Now all the fuzzybutts are in the growout pen. When I was moving the brooder box back in the shop to get the babies out of the heat the whole bottom cam out of it... talk about a stinky mess
, but at least they are adjusting well to and loving their bigger surroundings and the bigger girls don't seem to mind them and pretty much leave them alone.

I have a Wheaten Maran Roo and a Light Brahma Roo up for grabs if anyone is interested in them, or if anyone knows anybody that is looking for one, the Light Brahma is 3months old and the WM is 1 1/2 months old.
I lost one of my Coturnix Quail babies this morning. It was only about a week old and got spraddle leg. Yesterday morning i used a band aid to make a hobble to try and correct the spraddle leg. last night it was doing fine. I put a new band aid on him and went to bed. This morning I found him in the water dish. So sad. I'm such a baby when it comes to this type of stuff.
I lost one of my Coturnix Quail babies this morning. It was only about a week old and got spraddle leg. Yesterday morning i used a band aid to make a hobble to try and correct the spraddle leg. last night it was doing fine. I put a new band aid on him and went to bed. This morning I found him in the water dish. So sad. I'm such a baby when it comes to this type of stuff.
So sad!! I'm with you on the emotional stuff
Thanks! Yes, he's a cutie....AND an attention hog. He will need "personal space" training rather early. If it was possible he would want me to pick him up and carry him around.

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