
So we just found out that the wells on both properties (adjacent to each other) north of Parma have wells with arsenic over the allowable limit. While we can treat it at the kitchen faucet, I can't imagine giving it to my animals or watering my gardens. :-( Does anyone in So Idaho know if this is a widespread problem in county areas? Don't know where to start looking...

Sorry to hear that Barb!!!

During the fifteen years I lived there, I had problems with other agents... mostly from farming or livestock chemicals. With mine, I flooded my wells with chlorine beach for 24 hours then ran them for three days. Don't know what they do for arsenic. Maybe your ag extension office can help.
My lesson of the day came from my rooster... he pecked me today when I was trying to herd them back into the pen ( I had to go to the feedstore), He thought I was after one of his girls when she went running from behind a play structure when I snuck up on her and was trying to catch her...lesson, always make sure the rooster is nowhere around when trying to catch one of his girls. On another note it is day two of my experimenting with free ranging the older chickens and so far everything is going awesome, now if only the skunks would go away. For the past two nights our yard has reaked of skunk, I know they have a purpose in the world but boy do I wish they would find a new place to reside especially since my chicken yard is not totally skunk proof. I also moved my fuzzybutts(all but 2 of them) to the grow out pen finally and except for a couple "incidents" there has hardly been any nastiness towards them from the older ones. Lisa I will get you some pictures soon of the babies I bought from you at Chicken Stock, I have just been buried under alot of homework and can't find a camera right now.
My lesson of the day came from my rooster... he pecked me today when I was trying to herd them back into the pen ( I had to go to the feedstore)...

I teach all my chickens, I start when they're chicks, to come running when I call. Just call them when I offer scratch or a treat from the kitchen (i.e. kitchen waste lol). Now all I have to do is yell "here ch." and they all come running into the coop and are at my feet before I can even get the words out!
Thanks! Oh, and I thought of another project for you........because you have way too much time on your hands. Chocolate mottled/jubilee orps!

LOL... you are BAD!!!

Just received a shipment of SQ Buff Orp eggs to amp up my Buff production line in size and quality, AND more Choc Orp eggs. Of the 4 chicks I purchased south of SLC, 1 failed to thrive and another is just not healthy. Think the sellers have some problems hatching and handling their chicks!!

So I guess, yes, in the future when my coops and runs, and horses and yard/garden are done (and think I'll have to hire a maid!!!) .... Choc/Jub orps can be a new focus. Hahaha!!!
My husband and I have a cabin on the Snake River not far from Parma. We treat our well water because of the arsenic in the area. Some wells do not have arsenic but all should be tested just to be sure.
Thanks for reminding me. When we stay at the cabin for an extended amount of time, I plan to bring our hens. They will get treated water.
So pretty! Is this out of your beautiful black and white paint? I do notice he seems to have a bit of furry on the feet?
He's out of our bay APHA paint. We have to wait another month for our half draft baby out of our shire mare. We're really looking forward to that one. He/she is by our buckskin AQHA stallion.
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He's out of our bay APHA paint. We have to wait another month for our half draft baby out of our shire mare. We're really looking forward to that one. He/she is by our buckskin AQHA stallion.
Nice! Ahhh I noticed the buckskin on another post you had. the one that looked like he was from the Poco line. :D
Looking forward to seeing the shire colt!
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