
Does anyone know where I can get some netting locally or may have some to sell?? I am going to be building a peacock pen and would like to get netting for the top of it...
Hi, neighbors! I'm "visiting" from Utah. :) Our friend Lisa (La Casa de Pollo) is headed up to Idaho Falls from Northern Utah this weekend and has offered to take my young Polish roo with her if anyone wants him. Bantam white crested cuckoo He's free. :) Doesn't seem to be a single mean bone in his body, and thus far has gotten along with all chickens, male and female. He's, I think, 6 weeks old. Gonna be a looker! Let me know if you're interested.

Sasha... that is one amazing looking chicken...I hope you find a home for him!!!!
Thanks, Daloorashens! I also have this Bantam Cochin (Buff Columbian I think) that needs a new home. Thought for the first 6 weeks it was a she, now it suddenly looks like a he. Either way, he's free as well. Very friendly little chick. 6 1/2 weeks old.

New here to the site, live in Idaho right on the border by Freedom,WY
Woohoo!!! Welcome!!! cute coop!! Tell us about your chickens...

Nice to see you stop by again, Susan=)

I'm trying to sell my 3 cockerels , about 12 weeks old... or else they go to freezer camp... anyone?? I'm asking $5 for each one, but I'd give them away, too, since I don't have anywhere to put a crowing rooster right now.... I have an EE, BR and BO, the EE is a columbian pattern, pretty and friendly guy, the BR is good sized for his age and crowed yesterday, and BO is pretty fluffy..... anyone, anyone????

There's pics on my default album...
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It's been a while since I have posted anything in this thread so I thought I would stop in and say hi. I am an 'active lurker' on this thread and enjoy all of the pictures. I have 4 SLW hens that are a little over a year old and 4 BSL, 4 BO's, and 4 LB pullets that are just about 5 months old and I am just starting to get a few eggs from the younger ones. Oh, and I can forget about my older RIR rescue hen! All my girls free range on about a 1/2 acre pasture where we store our RV, spare truck, and other toys and that is what they hide under for shade during the day since we don't have a lot of tree's on that part of the land and unfortunately the coop is South-West facing since the coop was converted from a loafing shed from the previous owners. I feel bad for the girls, it's been so hot lately! I take fresh water to them in the morning and when I get home in the evenings and put blocks of ice in it to cool it down for them. I've been thinking of adding a small plastic kid pool in the shade to their area for wading, anyone else had any luck with it? Anyways...I love my girls to death, they are all so sweet and curious. Hopefully the new fencing we added will keep the coyotes away, last winter we lost most of our hens to them and then fixed the fence. Well that is about it for now! I really enjoying seeing the pictures on here, one of these days I'll get around to posting some!

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