
Hey Idahoans! I'm from the Bonner County area and just discovered this thread. Looking forward to meeting other Idahoans here on BYC!

Here are a some pictures of a few of my chicks this year (because everyone likes pictures, right?)

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Hello Idahoans! from Adams County! I'm new to BYC and was happy to find an Idaho thread. Just getting restarted with chickens...waiting for a coop to be built and anxiously watching the calendar for the time I can order some chicks! With a foot of snow outside I'm guessing it'll be awhile yet. :frow
I'm reviving this thread to say hi! (I hope that's okay!) I've been learning from BYC for a long(ish) time now and just wanted to finally post and semi introduce myself (sorry not in the Introduction Forum--that's a little intimidating. :)) I have been raising coturnix quail but just bought a (soon-to-be) homestead between Clarkia and Fernwood (Benewah/Shoshone Counties) and looking for some chicks/chickens! We can get local fresh eggs here, and they mostly all look to be fertile, so I'll probably try to hatch some out this next month! I'd love to meet other poultry loving people in the area! Ya'll take care and thanks for being here! -Jen

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