Ideas for foundations of chicken runs

We are currently building a new run for our chickens on frames with 2x4s. What do people use under and around the foundation 2x4s to protect from creatures digging underneath the 2x4?
I used a 1/2" hardware cloth apron spread out on the ground about 2 feet...
predator apron.jpg
post base.jpg
predator apron lined with stone 2.jpg

momma and babies first day out.jpg
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I dug post holes for treated 4x4's and laid a combination of 1/2" hardware cloth and some heavy gauge wire fencing on the ground and fastened it with long fence staples to the ground.

Between the posts I also laid treated 4x4's horizontally to create another physical barrier for predators. I covered the hardware cloth/fencing with crush and run gravel then added soil and pinestraw to give it a finished look.

Overkill is Good when it comes to predator control and chicken coops!

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