Ideas for runs, and any other ideas for letting your chickens out and not letting predators in!


Free Ranging
8 Years
Jul 23, 2013
I though it would be fun to have a thread where we could share our ideas for things that may not have even been thought of yet or designs for things like chicken tractors and runs, maybe even ideas for coop designs! Get creative on here, because some people have gifts for creativity and other have gifts for things finding the thing that seems unimaginable and slimming it down into some thing possible. Get creative and have fun!!!
I have an idea for a poultry wire tunnel! Ben over poultry wire to make it about 12-16 inches tall and peg it into the ground. Oh yeah, i know i posted this thread on the wrong forum. Sorry, but please post anyway
I have an idea for a poultry wire tunnel! Ben over poultry wire to make it about 12-16 inches tall and peg it into the ground. Oh yeah, i know i posted this thread on the wrong forum. Sorry, but please post anyway

Do a search for "Chunnel" and you will see a couple threads with pictures from those that have done this. Might give you some more ideas if you are thinking of trying it bi wish I had the set up for it...i bet it's fun to watch the chickens run through!

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