We've always used a thick layer of pine shavings in our chicken coop, waited until it is as nasty as possible, and clean it out and put it into our compost heaps. I'd rather have less wood shavings and more poop going into the compost heaps though since I think it would be better for our veggie gardens. I also want them to have cleaner living conditions in the coop.
I was at the farm store and found that they now carry very fine wood shavings. Most of the pieces seem to be about 1/4" or smaller. I was wondering if anyone had built some kind of giant scooper to just sift out the nasty bits. It seems like this kind of bedding would almost act like clumping kitty litter, where the little pieces would stick to the poops. My two ideas are getting one of the horse manure scoops and lining it with hardware cloth,or finding a lacrosse stick thing and lining it with hardware cloth (Nevermind, those are expensive, even used!). My coop is 4x8'. Any other ideas or suggestions?

I was at the farm store and found that they now carry very fine wood shavings. Most of the pieces seem to be about 1/4" or smaller. I was wondering if anyone had built some kind of giant scooper to just sift out the nasty bits. It seems like this kind of bedding would almost act like clumping kitty litter, where the little pieces would stick to the poops. My two ideas are getting one of the horse manure scoops and lining it with hardware cloth,
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