Identify this footprint


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
I found this in the mud near where my chickens were killed. I think it's a coyote but could be a dog? I don't think it's a raccoon. What do you all think?

Some variety of canine. I would say its too small for the coyotes we have here in Colorado and hard to tell but looks too wide for fox so Im going to guess plain old dog.
Dog. Coyote tracks are narrower in proportion to the length. At three inches long, it is larger than any coyote tracks I've seen in this neck of the woods.
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I have to agree about the size of coyotes in Montana and Wyoming both. They seem much smaller than the ones here in Colorado. Ive seen coyotes that were bigger than my 60 pound boxer. I think its because they have to work so hard for food there while the urban coyotes have a virtual smorgasbord of food available to them here. I see people feeding them all the time:barnie I dont get that at all. Drives me nuts and then people get surprised when they start taking out pets or they go after people.

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