Identifying Some Peachicks


Any ideas on these silver birds sex yet? First bird in this video i'm thinking hen, second one i don't have any ideas and hoping its a male, if its not male then i will be a year late in my breeding program

The white looks male to me, the BS looks female, 1 of the silvers looks female and the other could go either way, but I'm leaning toward male because of the upright posture and body carriage.
I see 3 males and one hen in the group of 4.
Hmmmm interesting guess, two silver males better than two hens for me.

I think he was asking about the silvers, though? I saw two silvers, a big white bird (I'm guessing the other side is also white), and something that looked colored... I dunno, didn't spend a lot of time studying the colored bird.

For the silvers, do you think a hen & a male? I'm so not good at this,
but thinking the second silver one was male, and maybe the first one (the one in the corner to the left) hen?

eta: rats, I just looked at the video again, and I think I got it backwards
I am SO not good at this
The white is male for sure and the black shoulder bird is bronze bs hen.
The white looks male to me, the BS looks female, 1 of the silvers looks female and the other could go either way, but I'm leaning toward male because of the upright posture and body carriage.
The other silver bird I'm thinking male because his face looks like a male.
The other silver bird I'm thinking male because his face looks like a male.

Of the 2 Silvers there is one with more white, that is the one I think looks male, the one with more color looks like a hen, but I'm basing that on her horizontal body carriage and posture. If you could get a close up of the colored feathers on their backs and necks that should be a give away by now.
Of the 2 Silvers there is one with more white, that is the one I think looks male, the one with more color looks like a hen, but I'm basing that on her horizontal body carriage and posture. If you could get a close up of the colored feathers on their backs and necks that should be a give away by now.
I was thinking the opposite, the one with more looks more like a hen for me, i will try to get new pictures for them tomorrow.

These are old pictures for the bird with more white, but it doesn't show the neck feathers.
Usually I would agree, it seems the SP males usually have more color than the SP hens around the neck and back area. However that other one you have reminds me of this hen of mine.
Usually I would agree, it seems the SP males usually have more color than the SP hens around the neck and back area. However that other one you have reminds me of this hen of mine.
This is a nice peahen, i hope mine get more color like yours, i like sp birds with more color.
Btw, i noticed most of the black shoulder silver pied males has more color than regular silver pied males without black shoulder pattern, anyone see this too?

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