If 2 peacocks were raised together will they still fight?

Miss Cheep

Aug 6, 2021
WA state
Hi, we were thinking about getting peafowl. We found a seller that has all males but no females. If these peacocks were raised together will they still fight?
We have two peacocks that were raised together. We got them when they were a year old and they were inseparable friends. We also got two peahens from another breeder a couple of months later.

They all lived together very happily here for the past five years with no fighting until this year. They are six years old now and this year, for the first time, we had lots of trouble with them fighting and they needed to be separated.

I think you either need to get no females at all or get lots more females than males (between 2 and 4 peahens per peacock). Otherwise, you will need different areas to separate them. Plenty of space for them is important as well so they can keep out of each other's way if necessary.

We don't free range ours (yet) but I have heard that if you free range them it's less of a problem because they can get away from each other more easily. However, then you run the risk of one of them leaving if you don't have enough peahens for both of them.

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