If a Hen Falls

I love to let my chickens free-range, but after close calls with roaming dogs, I am afraid to do so unless I can watch them every instant. And I sure can't let my rooster free-range. He's a bad boy with a wicked beak, but a superb protector of the hens.

So I would have to buy a scale? Could you give me an estimate as to how many individual sunflower seeds you think would be in a pound of All Flock? I don't have a scale, and I don't really care to buy one. I'm on a tight budget. Perhaps I could get them to weigh out a pound of the Nutrena at the agricultural store if I buy a bag of it there. Maybe they would weigh out 1/10 of a pound of sunflower seeds, too.
I love to let my chickens free-range, but after close calls with roaming dogs, I am afraid to do so unless I can watch them every instant. And I sure can't let my rooster free-range. He's a bad boy with a wicked beak, but a superb protector of the hens.

So I would have to buy a scale? Could you give me an estimate as to how many individual sunflower seeds you think would be in a pound of All Flock? I don't have a scale, and I don't really care to buy one. I'm on a tight budget. Perhaps I could get them to weigh out a pound of the Nutrena at the agricultural store if I buy a bag of it there. Maybe they would weigh out 1/10 of a pound of sunflower seeds, too.
Determine the relationship between weight and volume between all items to be fed out. Then use little plastic scoops and / or measuring scoops to quantitatively make up helpings for a given day. I do this at work and home in a manner enabling literally hundreds of servings being made available with minimal effort. You will only be doing a few each day so will not be affected by repetitive movement injuries we sometimes get.
I'm no good at math. I'd be afraid of making a mistake. Maybe I could just give her 5 sunflower seeds each day?
I do know a Barred Rock is supposed to eat about 3/4 cup of chicken feed a day. So I wonder how much sunflower seeds would make a tenth of that? Does anyone have a scale they could weigh 3/4 cup of Nutrena All Flock on for me?
Correction: Actually, an adult Barred Rock hen is supposed to eat about 2/3 cup of chicken feed a day, not 3/4 cup as I incorrectly stated above.

I think the thing to do would be to let her out by herself, maybe early in the morning, while it is still cool, and then encourage her to follow me and run around for sunflower seeds. I could ensure she gets a lot of walking/running in, while hunting for them, and I could drop each one where she can clearly see and find it.

She is such a cutie when it comes to treats. Comes running toward me with sheer joy, wings a flapping. Sometimes she jumps straight up in the air, as if jumping for joy. I think she'd like this sunflower seed game, and it would give her special attention from me.

So if anyone can help me figure out how many sunflower seeds to give her per day, please let me know.

If there is info on the bag of Nutrena as to volume, let me know, and I will look for it and tell you what it says.
I do know a Barred Rock is supposed to eat about 3/4 cup of chicken feed a day. So I wonder how much sunflower seeds would make a tenth of that? Does anyone have a scale they could weigh 3/4 cup of Nutrena All Flock on for me?
Tonight after work I will determine for you. I use a set of white plastic measuring scoops like used in kitchen when feeding single or small groups of birds.

Following link to type of scoops that are quick filling, dump completely and enable rapid yet reasonably accurate alloting of feed. I try to use proper size as to have level scoop full so mental effort can be directed torwards counting.

Thank you so much, Centarchid! I really appreciate your help. I can't wait to tell my friends about my new chicken nutritionist buddy!
That is an idea, but I'm still afraid of them falling off the high roost, getting pushed off, as some have said has happened to their chickens. So now I'm thinking I can just wrap all around the shelf and beams with a heavy duty electrical tape. It will be a lot easier than trying to find a piece of wood to fit, I think. Do you think that might work?
maybe. Try larger roosts and thicker bedding below them.
I think their new roost will be only about 21" - 24" off the floor. Do you think that could cause bumblefoot? I have thick pine shavings on the floor. I've read that 18" - 20" is ideal.

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