If a opossum/cat got into the duck/chicken cage......


13 Years
Feb 7, 2010
South East Kansas
recently had a disappearance of a crested duck and there was no sign of him anywhere. my first thought was a cat or opossum but wouldn't they eat all of them once they got in?
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opossum will eat the whole thing, I lost my brooding hen with all of her eggs 2days ago. I was looking all over but nowhere to be found. Early this afternoon when I stop by the coop to check on my chickens, there he was. Big opossum hanging on the old shed and staring over the chickens that was play outside the coop. Bang! there's one less Opossum around my property now.
Do you have Racoons? But even if you did it wouldn't have taken the whole bird. I have never heard of an opossum eating the whole thing.. Hmm... Sorry about that.

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