If banty eggs hatch in 19 days, when do I lockdown?


Mar 16, 2009
South Central PA
This is my first attempt hatching banty eggs. I read that they can hatch in 19 days rather than 21? I've candled these a few times and they really do seem like they are developing fast. I'm using the dry incubation method, mostly because I have a humid house. I did add a little water, but it has all evaporated. I don't want to add more water until we go into lockdown. But if they hatch on day 19, we will only be in lockdown for one day when they hatch!

Should I lockdown sooner, like day 16? I just have a feeling they are going to hatch early. Today is day 11.
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humm, interesting! i never lockdown mine early. I have OEGB and did 18 days ...hatch 21.
All chickens except seramas should hatch in 21 days. If they don't your temperatures are off. I've hatched several different breeds of bantams including putting them in with standard eggs at the same time. They all hatch on day 21. All hatch within 12hours of the first one if the temperatures are correct and even. Seramas are the only exception and they only sometimes hatch early.

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