If feed stores closed and you can’t free range...

That's why until lately I've tried to keep a self sustaining flock that can absorb even substantial losses. After my stroke, I went from a couple hundred to about 40. I've already lost to predators around 20 biddies. Now, I don't think that even 40 is self sustainable, unless I keep them locked up. My Great Pyr, Buddy, does a great job of keeping predators away. He's killed several buzzards that landed in the yard, as well as a hawk that was trying to get biddies. But as fast as he is, he's no match for most hawks. I saw a hawk swoop down and grab a baby and was gone faster than Buddy could could get halfway across the chicken yard. If you have the land to keep them and you let them free range, large flocks are about the only way to keep from them being wiped out completely.
With the panicking Cornholio Virus thugs hitting residences out here in the sticks for all the food, guns and any other thing of value, I wish I had another flock on an island in the swamp. Make it harder to the thugs to snatch my birds.
Could you pen a few game roosters so they are dispersed around where chicks are located? That works fairly well against Coopers Hawks here.
I also think earthworm composting, growing them micro greens, feeding them hard boiled eggs, beef liver, are some things I would do.
Because I live quite a long way from town there have been occasions when I have run out of feed. Apart from scraps from the garden I will boil up their eggs, mash them with a bit of water and feed. They love it! Also boiled rice and (don't hate me), they also love our roasted chicken scraps. Heaps of protein.
I do not want to start a panic, rather a conversation. No I haven’t heard rumors of feed shortages. Yes we all are aware of the virus situation in the United States and everywhere in the world.
Just for the sake of conversation If someone needs to decide to stop buying feed and could not free range what would be your go to way of feeding your flock?
Yes we all know free range is the ideal. This discussion is about a situation where that is not an option, neither is purchasing grains. Let’s just include the thought that this is not a farm with fields to grow tons of grain but perhaps a “backyard garden” could include a bit dedicated to chickens. Let’s discuss this in terms of various seasonal and environmental conditions. Let’s also include that you are not open to the idea that you should stop raising chickens because you can’t afford them. This isn’t about affordability. It’s just a discussion.
What would you feed your flock? What would you grow for them? What would you do in winter?
If this discussion becomes problematic I request moderators to remove it. Let’s just enjoy exchanging ideas.
I’ve had some thoughts. I have a small framed chicken garden in their run so they can eat greens through a wire barrier without destroying roots. Perhaps I could expand that idea with frames of various heights to allow more mature growth an possible fruiting. Maybe grow a protected amaranth plant to allow the grain to fall for the chickens to eat.
I have other thoughts to share but let’s start there.
Your turn.:)
Manufacturing has not stopped...
Trucks are still rolling as an essential service....
The only way you may not be able to buy feed is if a retailer closes...
Wholesalers are still up and running...
The panic is just SERIOUS overreaction due to Social Media Hysteria....
My trucks keep rolling regardless.....
And we are driving faster due to no traffic on the highways
Manufacturing has not stopped...
Trucks are still rolling as an essential service....
The only way you may not be able to buy feed is if a retailer closes...
Wholesalers are still up and running...
The panic is just SERIOUS overreaction due to Social Media Hysteria....
My trucks keep rolling regardless.....
And we are driving faster due to no traffic on the highways
Unfortunately, there are other reasons to not be able to buy feed besides closure of a retailer.
There could be further limitations on what stores can stay open, or their hours could be cut.
There could be a disruption in the supply chain. Manufacturers may not be able to get the ingredients. Trucks may not be able to roll for some reason, or there may be a reduction in the number of drivers available. (Look how many policemen have been sickened already. Air traffic control in the NY area was forced to shut down briefly due to someone contracting the virus.) This could happen to other industries.
And, people could be buying so much that stores and suppliers run out. I got an email from the place I order dog food from (online) and they said they are struggling to keep up with demand, and asking customers not to hoard.
People don't necessarily behave rationally--even if you do.
This should be a good example of why you always buy a little ahead, and why you start stocking up before the SHTF, so that you don't have to race to the store at the last minute to argue over the last pack of chicken food--or toilet paper.
I think planting greens and veggies for the chickens is a great idea- I will be doing that. I can put some plants along the fence line and just put additional wiring to keep the roots safe. If necessary, I would let the hens free range the entire back yard for bugs, plant more chicken specific plants and order more BOSS, fly larve, give left over food- including cooked meats for protein and ground up egg shells for added calcium. Aso, have started fermenting feed to extend the amount of feed I have (less wastage).
BTW: I have already had people who know I have chickens ask for eggs since there are none in the stores - sorry, Love ya, but I only have 4 chickens and use all the eggs. When have extra, you are welcome to them.
I do not want to start a panic, rather a conversation. No I haven’t heard rumors of feed shortages. Yes we all are aware of the virus situation in the United States and everywhere in the world.
Just for the sake of conversation If someone needs to decide to stop buying feed and could not free range what would be your go to way of feeding your flock?
Yes we all know free range is the ideal. This discussion is about a situation where that is not an option, neither is purchasing grains. Let’s just include the thought that this is not a farm with fields to grow tons of grain but perhaps a “backyard garden” could include a bit dedicated to chickens. Let’s discuss this in terms of various seasonal and environmental conditions. Let’s also include that you are not open to the idea that you should stop raising chickens because you can’t afford them. This isn’t about affordability. It’s just a discussion.
What would you feed your flock? What would you grow for them? What would you do in winter?
If this discussion becomes problematic I request moderators to remove it. Let’s just enjoy exchanging ideas.
I’ve had some thoughts. I have a small framed chicken garden in their run so they can eat greens through a wire barrier without destroying roots. Perhaps I could expand that idea with frames of various heights to allow more mature growth an possible fruiting. Maybe grow a protected amaranth plant to allow the grain to fall for the chickens to eat.
I have other thoughts to share but let’s start there.
Your turn.:)
Mine get leftover vegetables and cutoffs they also eat lots of mice I catch in multicatch traps. Right now they are plowing through a bunch of mushrooms popping up in the yard . They must not be poison because they ate the same ones all last year. They get leftover bait fish and occasional bluegill if I catch some . They always eat lots of worms and they are the death of slugs. They still get pellets but all are healthy and laying fine for 2 yr old birds. I have figured out they are really flightless vultures.
Can you post a picture of that? I've been thinking of doing something similar, but when I tried before, my chickens busted in and got all my seedlings and young plants (I don't even think they ate them, they just left chicken-sized craters everywhere). I was too upset to try again.
Oh my goodness! If you had any idea how hard it was to find this post of my pictures!! The 459th post in the second long thread I searched for it. But here it is. You don’t have to use a bed frame. Just make a frame.


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