If I can't find organic ACV, am I wasting my money....

Thanks y'all for your imput. Living so far out in the sticks has it's advantages and disadvantages. I have to travel 50 miles to get anything for my chickens.
You can continuously create mothered ACV. It may not always be organic, but it's the mother that really counts.

1) Find some mother somewhere - either buy a small bottle that has it already formed, or borrow a big glob of mother from someone.

2) Buy as large a jug of regular ACV as you can find, and put the borrowed mother into it.

3) Let it sit, and sit, and sit. Shake it periodically.

4) Once it has clearly formed a good amount of mother you can use a cup or so to inoculate jug after jug of regular ACV.

Make sure to get a bit of the mother each time you pour some from your base bottle into a new un-inoculated bottle of ACV, but never use up all the mother in the base bottle.

As the liquid in your base bottle gets low, pour some more regular ACV into it and repeat.
Organic ACV with the mother is best to use but regular apple cider vinegar will work. I have to travel 20 miles to a health store for the good organic kind and sometimes in the dead of winter that doesn't work out tooooooo well
You can add some ACV with the mother to apple juice, and wait for it to ferment. Depending on the price of apple juice in your area, this may be more economical.

Oh yeah! That's true! I totally forgot you could add mother to plain old Apple Juice. Thank you dancingbear!​
I made my own ACV recently, because I had WAY too many apples around. I just juiced the apples and added an equal amount of the organic ACV w/ mother and then incubated it. Now I have my own ACV and could theoretically continue the process ad infinitum. It is another one of those things that you can do so easily that makes you feel self-sufficient.
Thanks Drakemaiden. I'm going to do one more search in town for the ACV with mother and if I can't find it, I guess there's always the internet.
I might order just a little with the mother and then follow your recipe.

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