If Mega'Lorp beyond saving?!


7 Years
Oct 12, 2012
West Virginia
I have a very large Australorp that was hatched just this past Spring. She has been eating, drinking, pecking around, normal chicken business every day. Last evening when we went in to feed/collect eggs, she was on the box tops completely unaware to our existence and "asleep". I picked her up, she opened her eyes and looked at me, I figured it's dark out, she's got a full tummy she's drowsy. I put her on the roost,she curled up and back to sleep. Went in a little while ago to check on her and she's in the floor in the back corner all hunched down and completely lethargic. She will stand on her own, but not very long. Instead of just hunkering down like normal, she almost flops over to one side. Nothing wrong with her legs, maybe a little glassy look in her eyes, but she's been staying in the coop and it could be from dust. This just came on all of a sudden. I separated her and put her in our basement with some teramycin in her water, but she wont eat or drink. I've never had an egg bound chicken, could this be her problem? Could she be "backed up"? I couldn't tell you when she lays or how often, they just sort of do their thing and that's it lol. Oh how I hope she can be saved :-( Any info is greatly appreciated, she's my daughters "peeper". Thank you.
Anyone?? I've read a few other posts and it sounds like there's a few options. Is she egg bound? If she isn't and I try the hot water bath, will it hurt her? Should I give her some raw egg or something in a syringe? I really don't want to lose my toddlers hen :-(
In case anyone responds, here is what we've done. We soaked her in a hot bath and massaged her underside to help if she had a lodged egg. After speaking with my vet, this is a good possibility, although it may be more than one or a ruptured one. I did this for quite a while, then through a syringe gave her a warm water/egg yolk slurry. Then at the suggestion of my vet, I used my pinky and very gently palpated her rectum to check for blockage. I wasn't very far when I felt contractions and pressure, then a HUGE gush of the WORST smelling fluid and feces you could ever imagine. My best educated guess is a busted egg inside of her that has spoiled? I didn't see any worms thankfully, but I did notice she had some little tiny, very hard to see "critters" on her sort of a transparent or fleshy color. Not a whole lot, but a few. What are they and what should I do for them?
In case anyone responds, here is what we've done. We soaked her in a hot bath and massaged her underside to help if she had a lodged egg. After speaking with my vet, this is a good possibility, although it may be more than one or a ruptured one. I did this for quite a while, then through a syringe gave her a warm water/egg yolk slurry. Then at the suggestion of my vet, I used my pinky and very gently palpated her rectum to check for blockage. I wasn't very far when I felt contractions and pressure, then a HUGE gush of the WORST smelling fluid and feces you could ever imagine. My best educated guess is a busted egg inside of her that has spoiled? I didn't see any worms thankfully, but I did notice she had some little tiny, very hard to see "critters" on her sort of a transparent or fleshy color. Not a whole lot, but a few. What are they and what should I do for them?
The "critters" you saw...were they in her feces or were they on her skin or feathers?
Eggbound is a possibility and a broken egg inside her would cause bacterial infection. I recommend that you give her a water/vinegar flush to prevent a bacterial infection, like a douche.
Use a large syringe without a needle, mixing 1 tablespoon of WHITE vinegar to 1 quart of water. Use a syringeful of the mixture and insert the syringe into her vent and gently flush. Use about 3 or 4 syringefuls, the liquid may or may not flow from her vent afterwards.
If you saw the 'critters' on her exterior, around the vent area and not in feces, most likely you're dealing with either lice or mites, maybe both. Purchase sevin dust and thoroughly dust her avoiding the eyes and nostrils. Repeat dusting her in 7-10 days. Mites suck blood causing anemia, then death.
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Thank you! She is still holding on this morning, but she hasn't moved and is not breathing well. I'm afraid she may have been so dehydrated that she started absorbing what fluids she had inside of her to sustain her, which if it was a busted egg/infection that is not good. I worked on her a while again last night and honestly didnt expect her to make it til this morning. As for the critters, I looked up pics and it looks like she may have a few mights. She didn't have many at all, maybe 3 or so on her one side, none around the vent. I'm afraid poor Mega'Lorp is beyond what anyone can do, but I will try the vinegar flush. Thank you for your help, this is the first time I have ever had something like this occur and though I'm not happy about it at all, I am glad to have experienced it now to help me better prepare if I have to deal with it again.

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