If u could only go to one!

Depends on where you live. Also if you are showing or looking. I am lucky enough to live near Columbus Ohio, so I'm going to the Ohio National as my first show, as a looker. I'm hoping to meet a lot of people whose brains I can pick, and I want to get information on next year's ABA and SCNA lineups.

I'd reccomend that if you are showing, start small; if you are looking, go big.
Only 1 show ? I would have to say it is the Ohio National in Columbus. When I about 12, I played sick from school, and convinced my dad to let me go with him. I rode from Northern IL to Columbus,sitting on a chicken crate. No seatbelt laws back then. My dad and Harry Halbach sat in the front, and the rest of our van was filled with chicken cages. It took about 7 hours. The fact that we had Grand Champion of the Show, with a Grey Japanese Cockerel made the trip memorable that's for sure. . Now some 30 years later, went back last year. Didn't show anything, took my 2 daughters. The show offers an opportunity to see a vast array of breeds and varieties of chickens, duck, geese, turkeys. Not only is it a large show, but the quality of birds is always top notch. The building is the best I've ever been in for a poultry show. Going back in 6 weeks, this time taking my son, who is 7.
Most all are number 1 in my book. All are unique. Can't pick just one. How far are you willing to travel? I see you are from somewhere North central.
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This is probably best answered by the fact that, year after year, The OHIO NATIONAL is the largest annual poultry show in America.

Last year there were 5,300 birds entered with 440 exhibitors. If I recall correctly there were 38 different states and provinces represented.

Nine national meets this year-
Ameraucana Breeders.

Wyandotte Breeders of America

The American Dutch Bantam Society

The Japanese Bantam Breeders Assoc.

Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club

United Orpington Club

The American Sumatra Association


Everybody is going to be there November 14 & 15 in Columbus, Ohio!

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