If you are considering turkens, just some FYI


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I don't know if this hold true for all turkens. Mine are hatchery birds.

I just wanted to mention that one out of my three turken pullets is laying now. They are 25 weeks old.

Her eggs are amazing! Nearly *large* in size already and the most beautiful pinkish tan color. She's only been laying for about a week.

I've been getting backyard eggs for a couple of years now, but I am certain Ivy's eggs are the prettiest ones I've seen.

Just a little FYI
I do not currently have any Turkens, but have had them in the past. They can and do lay a pinkish egg. It really is a very light brown butdoes have that pinkinsh tint.
i love my turken she lays double yolks all the time. and she a great conversation piece

20 hens 1 rooster 2 dogs 4 cats and a great wife

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