If you could adopt one of these chickens...

Definitely #4 and #6. Is it just me or does #6 look a bit unnatural? Like he's been photo shopped or something...Anyway I find beards on hens very cute
I would choose number 1 for sure. That is one nice looking bird and the comb is awesome! Number 6, the Ayam Cemani is a beautiful bird! Apparently they are completely black, including their insides. Crossed with an Ameraucana the result would be amazing!
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Definitely #4 and #6. Is it just me or does #6 look a bit unnatural? Like he's been photo shopped or something...
They are striking looking birds, but they're real. Here's some more amazing looking birds from that part of the world:


And more on the Cemani:



There is a ban on exports of eggs and fowl from it's native Indonesia, hence the nosebleed inducing price tag of $1500 per bird.
Tough choice. I guess #4. Although I'd take them all. I can already imagine my daughter trying to dress # 3 !!! Does the emperor get sunburns ? #1& #6 would occupy my day just looking at them. #2 & #5 look so proud and stately !!!
They are striking looking birds, but they're real. Here's some more amazing looking birds from that part of the world:


And more on the Cemani:



There is a ban on exports of eggs and fowl from it's native Indonesia, hence the nosebleed inducing price tag of $1500 per bird.
I actually looked them up and there is one place selling 4-12 week old pairs at $2,000 for a pair... still not a normal price, but better than 1,500 a piece!

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